Questions tagged [ip-address]

a numerical label assigned to devices in a computer network.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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listening to packets in promiscuous mode

I am working on an application that get packets that don't belong to the pc,so i use promiscuous mode on my NIC,i need to read the packet and and handle it. Because i don't have any connection formed ...
omer12433's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

IP Whitelisting AWS consumers

If consumers of my API have their software on AWS, their ip address is subject to change if they are scaling their services horizontally (adding more machines). This means that I can't whitelist a ...
Umair's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect two devices on the internet if both are behind NAT using this method?

If i understand NAT correctly, by default a device outside of the NAT cannot reach a device inside it. If the two devices use a central server to connect however they can obviously communicate. My ...
DrWCTapir's user avatar