Questions tagged [java8]

Java 8 refers to the version of the Java platform released in March 2014.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Java 8 time - LocalDateTime vs LocalDate and truncatedTo limitation handling

I am new to the Java 8 time package, and am trying to better understand it and make sure that I am making good use of it. Is there a specific reason that LocalDateTime's truncatedTo(TemporalUnit) ...
anonymous's user avatar
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how to handle external shared libraries, which we do not want to expose

We have 800-900 services we expose via an ESB. Each service is a web app hosted on Tomcat servers. We have 4 tomcat servers per group of services. Our services are split into 4 groups. Each service (...
Kelvin Wayne's user avatar
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subinterfaces redeclaring abstract methods

Why is it that some abstract methods in interface hierarchies are redeclared as abstract further down? iterator() for example, abstract in Collection is redeclared in Set and List, and again further ...
questioner's user avatar
-1 votes
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Optimizing methods with multiple if checks on getter values

I have a method where I fetch user input, check if certain values exist, and based on that build my own custom input object that I would use to search in a database. The code for the search method is ...
AnOldSoul's user avatar
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How to handle pagination in a stateless application having multiple components involved for the data?

This problem statement is around one UI component, 3 service components. The current design of the application is like: UI makes request to Service-A to get data Service-A first makes a call to ...
G.G.'s user avatar
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Refactoring nested if-else interface method in Java8

I have the below default method in an interface and it seems to be pretty complex because of the many if-else conditions. default void validate() { Application application = application().get(); ...
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