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1 answer

Long dictionary/map key vs shorter key + equality check for an auth cache

I'm implementing an API key based authentication scheme and I'm caching valid API key entries (hash, scope etc.) in a memory cache. For the cache key, I had been using the first 8 characters of the ...
Kyohei Kaneko's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Which 'Fkey' can I safely use in a cross-platform application?

I'm developing a text editor and start to think about key bindings. Which F key (F1, F2, F11, etc.) should I use in my application, assuming that I want OS X users to be able to use it as well? I don'...
atrefeu's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Composite Id based on another Aggregate root?

An Aggregate Root should always have a unique ID within the bounded context. Typically the examples one finds use a GUID for this to ensure global uniqueness. However consider a bounded context for a ...
udnes99's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Google Analytics API Key Security

When dealing with an API key (in this case a JSON file used to connect to the Google Analytics API), what is the appropriate way to securely store the keyfile? "Your new public/private key pair ...
Sean Payne's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Detecting keyboard "callbacks" directly from a keyboard not from a operating system

So, I am making a pure 2D shooter in Unity, and I was thinking about cheats a little bit (Yes, I know that nobody is going to play my game but anyway). I was wondering if you can get pressed keys ...
Peter Veris's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Store line numbers of CSV in the database

In our environment, we often have to import CSV files into a database, where each line represents a record. Though there is no actual business use case for storing the original line numbers inside the ...
Eugene Lycenok's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is it bad to leave Azure secrets keys as plaintext in my source code if I don't release the code, only the exe? [closed]

Specifically worried that someone might be able to extract the API key in a way I am unaware of and make calls to my own Cognitive Services subscription outside of the context of my program.
J. Doe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to manage user serial keys for an application

I have an application in C# where several users access it. Each user will have a serial key associated with his username in a table users in a local MySQL database. Example of the table users: User ...
Lorenzo Belfanti's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to store private ssh keys for my application?

I 've a pair of private and public ssh keys, which I'm using in encrypting and decrypting my JWT. So I'm creating and signing my JWT with my private key and shared the public key with the client who ...
megamind79's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do companies store private keys offline but still sign code with them?

I've heard that companies store their private keys offline "in a safe that will never be opened" and stuff like that (the context for this is a console developer like Microsoft keeping the Xbox ...
UnicornsOnLSD's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

When to use a reserved word, null or undefined as a key in an object?

I have a case where I have a dictionary object and a value with no key. The object can have the system values and then a user value. I have to store that value. I could use a reserved word or I ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Geolocation client side requests: Key and ID storage

I'm developing a small web-app to help users manage shopping lists. One of the required features is the ability of the application to notify the user if a shop of the same category is near him/her. ...
MFranc's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How should I access a third party API which requires a key?

I am accessing a third-party API. It requires a key, which is the same key for all of my users. Currently, my application includes that key in the client-side code, and calls the third party API ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Sharing public key certificate

I'm working on a piece of software in Visual Studio. I created a PKCS#12 archive in Visual Studio to strong name sign my assemblies. I then extracted the public key from the archive using OpenSSL. I ...
user651351's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Right way to spread secret keys between microservices

I have a few services that sign some data with an asymmetric cryptography algorithm (like RSA). I need to spread some secret (private) keys between all instances of the service. I've found a few ways ...
rootatdarkstar's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What is a good convention for table key id name?

I'm wondering if there is any good convention for key attributes in relational datatables. ID or Id seems to be good. however it conflict with others ids when joining. MyTableNameId does not ...
Daniel Santos's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to encrypt communication without hard coding key in client?

I've found description of vulnerability here. The kankun smart socket device and the mobile app use a hardcoded AES 256 bit key to encrypt the commands and responses between the device and the app. ...
Marian Paździoch's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do large corporations store API keys?

When FaceBook or Google give me an API key, are they just storing it in a database? Unlike a password, where you can hash and salt it before putting it in the database, it seems to me that a key ...
Birrel's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is this a good solution for deactivating key value pairs?

A (relatively) simple CRUD application on which I work has a lookup table which holds key-value pairs, some of which have child key-value pairs. These are used mainly in drop-down lists on the ...
atamata's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

REST API security: HMAC/key hashing vs JWT

I just read this article that is a few years old but describes a clever way of securing your REST APIs. Essentially: Each client has a unique public/private key pair Only the client and the server ...
smeeb's user avatar
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What is a good way to keep track of strings for dictionary lookups?

I am working through the Windows 8 app tutorial. They have some code about saving app data like so: private void NameInput_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { ...
Justin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How does eMail encryption work?

I have been going over YouTube watching videos on eMail encryption and everyone seems to explain it from a different perspective. Some do it for a CompTIA exam while others just provide a primer. Here ...
Dummy Derp's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How to define a natural id in database?

There are a lot of manuals. I am trying to create an database to hold information of these documents. But, there is a small problem. How can I give meaningful id to the manuals? Are there any ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What alogrithm is used on the smart cards for the DNSSEC Trusted Community Representatives?

I've been doing some reading about DNSSec and am interested in the algorithm that they chose to use when splitting the trusted key up between the 7 Trusted Community Representatives (TCR). I ...
Aidos's user avatar
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1 answer

Books or guides regarding secure key storage and database encryption [closed]

I have an idea for a SaaS product I want to create, however, this product will store extremely sensitive data that needs to be encrypted at rest. The trouble is not so much the encryption, but the ...
Matty's user avatar
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6 answers

Is it smart to store application keys, ids, etc directly inside an application?

I have heard some say it isn't but they never suggest an alternative. Is this true? UPDATE Is it possible to store this external from application and have it called?
Edward's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How does SSL relate to the Public Key Infrastructure?

How does SSL relate to the Public Key Infrastructure?
JHarley1's user avatar
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