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Questions tagged [legacy-code]

Originally legacy code meant code 'inherited' from authors or from a previous program/system version. Since Michael Feathers published his "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" book, new definition came to be, where code without tests is legacy code.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Wrapping a legacy C++ codebase with a C API

I have inherited a large C++ codebase implementing various Windows desktop applications, services and libraries using Windows MFC. There are no automated tests. We need to decouple the UI and retain a ...
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How to handle the co-exist phase of Strangler pattern gracefully

We are consolidating a number of disparate monoliths, redesigning and implementing a greenfield suite of microservices and micro-frontends. The stack is all new, the design is all new - it couldn't ...
Lee Alderdice's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create input data for unit tests for an API client?

I am building the initial set of unit tests for my team's legacy API client system. We have been writing integration tests, but have no unit tests. It's a Sinatra server that accepts requests from our ...
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