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10 votes
8 answers

What is the advantage of log file rotation based on file size?

I understand that log file rotation is changing the log file you used when (1) one gets big enough or (2) at EOD, but I'm not sure I understand the reason for (1). I have never had any issues with ...
user129393192's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you effectively track the history of changes to a text field in the database on a content editing platform?

Say I have a website/platform that allows people to submit business names in order to build a high quality business name database. You can apply this to any subject or topic, such as building a ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Architectural solution for business logging

I have a the requirement for a webservice which should return a "business log" of the action the service performed. Usually I only return error logs which are based on exceptions. the exceptions get ...
david.mayer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom remote logging strategies

I am implementing an asynchronous remote (to aws S3) logging handler (in python, but it doesn't matter) supporting 4 modes: Immediate: the messages get written immediately to S3 - I am trying to ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to implement format-complying logging system?

We have a system that generates lots of logs and we have to somehow maintain logging workflow in a project. The 'strict' (let's assume it's strict) requirement is that there should be a document ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Logging an audit trail (Java application)

I'm creating a Java (Spring Boot) application for creating Entities. I've got my @Controller for getting the data from a web front end, I've got my @Service for processing the data, and I've got my @...
ZeroOne's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Event logging: record a whole message, or a list of properties and generate?

I've written a simple event logging system, which I write to with a function similar to: void IIncidentLogic.ReportIncident( string code, string noun, string hostname, DateTimeOffset ...
mattdwen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is console logging inappropriate for chatty applications?

12 Factor states that applications should log to the console, those console logs should should be unbuffered, and the logs should be redirected to someplace useful (file, database, whatever). But ...
Thomas Johnson's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Design Logging (or: notify) architecture in application [duplicate]

Update: I edited my question to make my intentions more clear. So I think this question about logging will be different to the often asked questions. First things first: I have an application that ...
valenterry's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Distinct Log and Trace for each object in .NET [closed]

I am dealing with very complex objects in .NET (in my case a finite element model that can consist of thousands of other objects say a Model instance have a large list of Element instance). I would ...
epsi1on's user avatar
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