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Intel Memory Addressing Form

I'm am trying to understand machine code memory addressing for x86, and I've encountered two opposing general forms for addressing (using the ModRM and SIB bytes). Most unofficial resources I consult ...
Joseph Johnston's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What is 16 bit word's equivalent in decimal?

Question: For a 16 bit word with 6 bits for an opcode How many different instructions could I fit into the instruction set? What is the largest number that I could use as data? Answer:...
mertyildiran's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

"Write an Assembler in C." Why writing a machine code translator for a low level language in a higher level language?

My Microprocessor class instructor gave us an assignment and said: "Write an Assembler in C." - My beloved Professor So it seemed a little bit illogical to me. If I'm not wrong Assembly ...
mertyildiran's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Operation excution in terms of clock cycles

Typically for a single instrcution, 6 machine cycles are needed: FETCH instruction DECODE instruction EVALUATE ADDRESS fetch OPERANDS EXECUTE oepration STORE result My concern is regarding the fifth ...
AhmedWas's user avatar
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3 votes
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How does assembly relate to machine/binary code

How does assembly relate to machine/binary code. For example here is how to print to the screen in mikeOS(a small pure assembly OS), mikeOS it uses NASM to assemble. BITS 16 ORG 32768 %...
user12979's user avatar
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0 votes
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Fetching instructions from memory

So, I am a noob in assembly language and machine instructions. When the discussion came up as to how funtion calls are implemented at the processor level, someone said that the CALL instruction ...
ans_venkat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What did machine code for 4-bit architecture look like?

I don't know how a 4-bit instruction could be enough to do something so I read about the Intel 4004 and it says that it used 8-bit instructions and then I can understand how opcode and numbers has ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use GNU GPL for application that has no source?

I mean, it is possible to create application without source code - for example using HEX editor or some debugger that can assembly instructions (actually every decent debugger can). Creating programs ...
johnfound's user avatar
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