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3 answers

How to deal with conflicting dependencies/versions?

I am developing an application that offers an api to develop plugins for this application. Each plugin can have other plugins as dependencies. I am planning to offer some basic plugins out of the box, ...
Azus Dkk's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Application plugin interface design

I build a plugin based Qt application which currently lives entirely in a library. The app as well as the plugins link to the library. The ::main(…) is just a tiny two line bootstrapper calling a ...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

WPF plugin system - Dependency injection in plugin class libraries

The main application loads plugins, list them and when user selects one it is initialized and displayed. Each plugin is a complex class library which contains several views/viewmodels/repositories/etc....
James0n's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Plugin system design core component access: Common practice?

I wonder how to design a good plugin architecture in C++/Qt. The main concern I have is about dependency injection vs globals when it comes to the core components. Plugins should have access to ...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to boost reusability and extendability in a MVVM .Net application?

I'm a software engineer that primarily writes C code but now and then makes .Net applications for fun. This is a question about the fun part. Over a duration of about 15 years, I have used and ...
Kristjan Hornung's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Using a Plugin to call the Main fuctions

I have a program that uses OMR to scan a photo of a "scoresheet", and give a result. Its functionality is: Scan one photo Compare with database for which "template" to use, ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 135
4 votes
3 answers

Is there an architecture pattern for "microservice as a plugin"?

Long story short - I would like to make a web application, solely for self-education purposes, that should allow user to add additional functionalities via plugins - just like Jenkins - https://...
lGSMl's user avatar
  • 43
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0 answers

Plugins system for an Electron/React app

I'm developing a Electron/React app which uses Webpack and Asar technologies. It's designed to be a host app providing a common platform for some plugins. These plugins are downloaded and plugged into ...
frogatto's user avatar
  • 193
1 vote
1 answer

Developing an app extensible with standalone executable plugins

I am developing a desktop application (C++/Qt), which might be roughly represented as consisting of two parts - data-handling part and the GUI. I want the data-handling part to be extensible with ...
Maximko's user avatar
  • 113
-2 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to run untrusted hooks/plugins?

I'm building a data processing system where users can submit hooks to execute on incoming data. The hooks are untrusted and should execute in a sandbox with access only to a limited API that I expose ...
Benjamin Egelund-Müller's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Java design pattern for handling configuration options and responding to changes in them

I'm working on an overlay/HUD for a Java game, where the user should be able to enable or disable certain components and choose configuration options. One such example is a health bar, which the user ...
Markus K.'s user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Maven plugin to operate at parent and child module levels?

I have a large multi-module java/maven application where each child module is it's own java application and the root parent pom defines the standard dependencies pom.xml - parent pom - child1/pom.xml ...
emeraldjava's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Plugin framework for extensible software

I need to make a web app which provides the feature to install/uninstall plugins. Think of something like Eclipse IDE like software. The only difference is you cannot restart it like Eclipse to apply ...
Nikhil Chilwant's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to process large image with a minimum time lag

I am trying to create a web UI for image processing, with some operations similar to what a site like offers. However, I have problems to achieve a similar performance. For example, lets say ...
BJ Patel's user avatar
  • 151
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1 answer

My browser extension modifies the DOM. How do I stop this from interfering with page scripts?

I'm writing a WebExtensions browser plugin that will modify the DOM of the current page when the user presses a button in the toolbar. More specifically, I need to insert HTML tags into the DOM. Even ...
Jack M's user avatar
  • 213
6 votes
2 answers

Making a language agnostic Plugin system

I want to make some software which relies heavily on Plugins. I plan on writing it in C++ and will most likely be getting plugins built in C++, Python and possibly Java But most likely C++ and python ...
user3797758's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best way to design a class interface passed to library/plugin

I have an application comprising a bootstrapper executable, a core library and several plugins (shared libraries). The core library is implicitely linked to all components, the plugins get linked/...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to share dependent classes between a main app and plugins in Java?

Assume, I have a relatively large and complex application (100 MB .war file) with multiple dependencies. Some part of the code is defining an object factory, where similar objects (all inheriting from ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 149
2 votes
1 answer

How to architecture and expose an API for creating custom data filters?

This question is in the context of a server application - an API that feeds data to its clients. Here is the obvious: if I have some data, I can search and filter on that data however I please. Let's ...
Merott's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
2 answers

What should you replace an enumeration with if values are to be provided by plugins?

I'm working on a piece of software which generates configuration data for certain hardware and currently needs to be adapted each time the hardware is released in a new version by an external company (...
Tim Meyer's user avatar
  • 853
1 vote
2 answers

How do developers allow for plug-ins in their apps

I've seen in some applications that were written in compiled languages where plug-ins are accepted and the solution to the question of how still eludes me. For example in Eclipse, Google Chrome, ...
itsthatblackkid's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Create jar of a java application where entry point is an external program

I have a java plugin written for a software called icy. Since the entry point of program is when the plugin is activated from the software, I am having trouble about how to mention that in ...
Sudip Bhandari's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a 3rd party lib and a plugin

What is the difference between a 3rd party lib and a plugin? How do I choose what should be pushed to these repos? plugins-release-local = Your and 3rd party plugins (releases) plugins-snapshot-...
Dave's user avatar
  • 141
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0 answers

Architecture of an extendable application

I am developing an embedded application on an ARM platform. I want to use ArchLinux as the underlying operating system and then create my own GUI. I want the application to be extendable (have apps if ...
ReX357's user avatar
  • 101
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2 answers

arbitrary data shared between plugins

I'm making a program that supports plugins. The program is being written in F#. The program maintains a single object that represents the state of the program. When a plugin is invoked, it takes ...
phil's user avatar
  • 159
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1 answer

Eclipse plugins - safe to install? [closed]

I've seen a few useful plugins for Eclipse such as jshint-eclipse. However, I'm a bit leery of installing third-party code. Is it generally safe to install Eclipse plugins without worrying about my ...
patstuart's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it a good idea to require passwords in offline applications?

I am developing an application which can install extension modules (plugins, if you will) from APT-style repositories hosted elsewhere. The plugins need not be signed (although the downloads are ...
condorcraft110 II's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to allow multiple plugins to provide data for multiple aggregation processes?

I'm working on a Java project in which we want to have data collection plugins that collect data to be processed by one or more data aggregation modules. The plugins will all written in-house. Say for ...
Robert Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I released my plugins AGPL

I am using ownCloud - which is AGPL license - and only create few custom modules, and a theme, the core is not touched at all so: should I allow download source for the whole app ( owncloud and my ...
user136685's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to use PNaCl as a plugin framework?

I am looking to design an extremely modular game engine that allows for portable native plugins similar to the way PNaCl works with chrome. The biggest factors I need would be: cross platform, ...
Tyler Scott's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

What should plugins use: hooks, events or something else?

Consider an app that allows plugins to react to its program flow. I know 2 ways to achieve this: hooks and events 1. Hooks Use calls to empty functions inside the main program flow. These functions ...
Stas Bichenko's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

GPL - Writing an exception for a plugin interface under section 7 of GPLv3

The problem I've written a application for Android licensed under GPLv3 which needs to use Google Play Services, a proprietary library, as a plugin to the app. Now I'd also like to add libspotify as ...
Centril's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
1 answer

Many JS files included, one breaks all, smart approach to fix? [closed]

I'm doing a project that uses svg-edit(JS drawing tool) and the page grows big. By now there are about 20 JS file in a page - plug-ins and so on. One of the editor's files breaks in some kind of '...
Bor's user avatar
  • 129
1 vote
1 answer

Does this violate the using exceptions for flow control "rule"?

I plan to make use of this interface in a plug-in architecture. /// <summary> /// Generic interface allowing you to react to an event. /// You can block the event or just use it for ...
weston's user avatar
  • 514
-1 votes
1 answer

serving up future-proof kinfolk - extensible contract interfaces [closed]

Ok, I have this human here, but what can it do, how would you discover its special abilities? And when you find out what kind of expert you've got then how would you actually make use of its unique ...
Cel's user avatar
  • 145
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1 answer

What's the protocol for a autoexecuting JQuery plugin?

I have a jQuery Plugin that I use myself which modifies the selected value of select items on a page. In my own code the plugin automatically executes as soon as it is included in the page this code ...
Toby Allen's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Plugin Architecture: How to Handle Databases and Logging?

I am in the process of designing an architecture for a plugin based application and I have some questions about how to handle database access and logging. The goal of my application is to allow a ...
Brendon Dugan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Building an RPC framework

I'm curious about what it takes to build a simple and robust RPC framework. I've only looked at a few ruby frameworks but they are all lacking in some way. What I want out of an RPC framework is some ...
user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Which Open Source License is right for my project? [closed]

I'm developing a suite of software tools that I need help with which is why I want to release my software open-source. People should be able to use and modify my code as they please while contributing ...
Dr.Knowitall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom maven mojo and tools

I'm writing maven plugin which depends on several java tools. I'm quite happy with it and want to share it with the community. I'm interested in correct way to handle dependency to these tools: Use ...
Eugen Martynov's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

While learning is it better to use other's plugins or develop my own? [closed]

As I have been learning to program, be it in my intern-ship or school, I have often come across situations where an extra piece of software is needed (from fairly basic to quite complex) and I am ...
The_Cthulhu_Kid's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I display part of the source code of an open source plugin's with GPLv2 liscence?

I would like to publish part or full source code of one or more plugins (licensed under GPL, GPLv2, MIT or no license) in my website/blog. Website I am talking about is for everyone, free to use and ...
FatalError's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Designing a plug-in system

I'm working on a Java project and I would like to add a plug-in system. More precisely, I would like to let the user design his own module, pack it into a jar, leave it in a "plugins/" subfolder of my ...
adrianton3's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why does Eclipse need to be restarted after installing a plugin? [closed]

As Eclipse uses OSGi to handle modules and bundles, and therefore should be able to hot-deploy them, why does it suggest to restart after installing a plugin "for changes to take effect"? Has Eclipse ...
Sébastien Le Callonnec's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I architect 2 plugins that share a common component?

I have an object that takes in data and spits out a transformed output, called IBaseItem. I also have two parsers, IParserA and IParserB. These parsers transform external data (in format dataA and ...
James's user avatar
  • 583
4 votes
2 answers

For a Javascript library, what is the best or standard way to support extensibility

Specifically, I want to support "plugins" that modify the behavior of parts of the library. I couldn't find much information on the web about this subject. But here are my ideas for how a library ...
Michael Best's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

When writing tests for a WordPress plugin, should i run them inside WordPress or in a normal browser?

I have started using BDD for a WordPress plugin i'm working on and i'm rewriting the js codebase to do tests. I've encountered a few problems but i'm going steady now, i was wondering if i had the ...
Nicola Peluchetti's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does a website latency simulator work

Sites like webpagetest allow users to enter a website url and a test location, to run a speed test on the site from multiple locations using real browsers. Can anyone give me a basic idea of how sites ...
nighthawk457's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Java web app, with plugin framework and ability to connect to source for updates

I've searched all around for some good sources, but either have been searching for the wrong keywords, or I'm just missing something. I'm looking to redevelop a web app I've been using for some time ...
lessthancommon's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Are RIA plugins a thing of the past?

In the not-so-distant past our department was touting Silverlight as the de facto standard for corporate intranet applications. A robust framework that allowed us to implement SOA while leveraging our ...
KodeKreachor's user avatar