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Questions tagged [postgres]

PostgreSQL, A.K.A Postgres, is an open source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS).

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-3 votes
2 answers

How to properly choose between two equivalent implementations, and how to prove you picked the correct one? [closed]

Thinking about non functional requirements (the -ities) and other concerns, which approach would you choose and why? consider the two snippets Direct Supabase Connection import { useState, useEffect } ...
user1843466's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it worth it to use a NoSQL database only for high availability and fast reading, while already using Postgres?

We have several Postgres databases on one AWS RDS cluster (for budget reasons apparently), sharing the same resources, and my team wants to use a NoSQL database alongside it, and store data there from ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 113
0 votes
1 answer

Matching supersets

In my application I have requests and items, each of which are associated with property tuples (key value pairs, where keys can be repeated) stored in a Postgres database. The goal is to find a single ...
flakes's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Best approach to sync data between mobile app cache and the server db? [duplicate]

I have an offline-first mobile app. The user enters data, data is saved into local SQLite database. The server has Postgres database. I need to build a two-directional sync strategy that keeps data on ...
Andrey Gordeev's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to handle concurrently caching expensive request data in postgres?

I have a kubernetes deployment which is fielding expensive (but cache-able) requests, let's say a website scraping service (not really) which takes about 15 seconds to scrape a website. In my backend ...
Kellen Cataldo's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Best way to store quite large JSON objects?

I'm building an app where I need access to quite large reports about different publicly accessible URLs, JSON objects about 200kb to 500kB in size. Each user would generate hundreds of these reports ...
any_h's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to create Business rule engine in PostgreSQL? [closed]

Our organization is into Health Care RCM business. In that, we use to receive medical records (called as accounts, which is a business phrase) and our staff (Medical coders) use to do medical coding, ...
Senthil's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

stress testing an application and failing at database connection

I currently have a nodejs(nestjs) app, and a postgres database. The database has a maximum connections available as 1700, and I'm trying to spike a 1000 request in a single instance of a second. The ...
juztcode's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

SQL - store "like" counts as separate column or infer from a query?

Say I have a feature in a web app where users can create a post and like it. In the frontend the user should see the number of likes a post has. I could store the data two ways: 1. Option 1: A small ...
Leftover Salad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Database schema advice : multiple tables with the shared columns in postgresql

Let's pretend I'm making a basic twitter clone. We could imagine our database is set up as the following: 1. Table 1 - contains user info {username, password} 2. Table 2 - contains session info {...
Leftover Salad's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Am I making this web app right?

I am currently making a newsletter website that will send you a email with the top ten manga for that week. Currently I have a web scraper that retrieves the top ten along with descriptions and other ...
moosepowa's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How can I efficiently diff a CSV file against a database?

I have an inventory of products stored in Postgres. I need to be able to take a CSV file and get a list of changes—the things in the CSV file that are different to what is in the database. The CSV ...
Isvara's user avatar
  • 630
-2 votes
2 answers

How to filter and concatenate multiple sql files into one database [closed]

I have an issue where I have multiple databases from previous projects that I would like to combine into one large database. These databases are stored in .sql files. The issue is that I only need ...
ste's user avatar
  • 7
0 votes
0 answers

How does Spring boot and Postgres handle the concurrent updates?

I want to understand how does Spring Boot and Postgresql DB handle the concurrent requests for updating a value in DB. Consider this example of facebook likes, if there are multiple instances of ...
Spring boot progammer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Form builder app database design adding versioning

i'm making a custom form builder app similar to google forms or wufoo and i've completed the basic database design. However there is one thing i can't figure out. I'd like to keep track of version of ...
dolmushcu's user avatar
  • 109
0 votes
1 answer

Best practices to deal with realtime data in REST API, Postgres and Redis

Overview Today we have a monolithic service that deals with realtime time data. The monolithic are composed by follow stack: Django + AuroraDB Cluster (Postgres AWS) + Varnish cache and cloudfront at ...
Patrick Acioli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Synchronous replication of databases

Say we have a software system with a web server serving writes to a Master DB. This Master DB is then replicated to several read-only DB replicas. From my understanding, the process of asynchronous ...
bananastonk's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

HOWTO: Full-text search over an encrypted database?

I want to adhere to the best practices and obviously encrypt the data sent to me by user. And I also want to provide the full-text search feature to the user (user can only search their own data, if ...
miqem's user avatar
  • 105
2 votes
1 answer

SQL: Analytics event value that can be string or number

I'm using a PostgreSQL database and I want to create an analytics table that has a many-to-one relationship with an analytics_type table where analytics_type_id is the foreign key. The table also has ...
Meron's user avatar
  • 47
-1 votes
1 answer

Commit instead of rollback? [closed]

Simple example (PSEUDO CODE): for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { START TRANSACTION; SELECT id, name FROM employees WHERE id = i; IF (someFunction(id)) { ROLLBACK; ...
tihiyev's user avatar
  • 11
-1 votes
1 answer

Should I use a database as gateway to other services? [closed]

The context I have an IoT project where the sensors are sending data to my Postgres database. The sensors are manages by a stand-alone service which provides a REST API to query various information ...
Eerik Sven Puudist's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Worried about too many joins when fetching multiple datatypes in a single postgres query

Its not exactly my use case (would take too long too explain), but imagine a task management application where tasks for employees are displayed in a list along with some information about that task. ...
user2741831's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Reading a large CSV file and then loading data to a DB

I have a Django application of 2 GB running and I need to receive a CSV file of more than 1 GB, read it and load the data to a PostgreSQL DB in IBM Cloud. The problem is that if I receive the file, it ...
Elvin Quero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Postgres: Storing a task instruction to be run on a schedule, with multiple workers

As a prerequisite I will say that we are wedded to postgres to provide this solution. This is a very broad problem, and I think it must be solved many times over, but unfortunately as it's so general ...
Gesar's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Processing large number of messages in a thread-safe manner

I have the following use case and would like to implement it in a thread-safe manner. Think of a Stack Overflow-like web application. Somebody upvotes a question. A new event is sent to the message ...
robotron's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Foreign Keys and Eventual Consistency

We have a project that loads metric data from various etls and services into an AWS SQS queue, where that data is processed and inserted into a metrics database, also running on AWS RDS. When we ...
Igneous01's user avatar
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1 answer

Reorderable parent/children hierarchy in a relational database

I'm struggling on a design question for my Ruby on Rails website. I'm working on an estimation tool for construction companies for renovation projects. It orders items this way by default: Room (ex: ...
Shrolox's user avatar
  • 149
2 votes
2 answers

What is the best practice for hierarchical container - item relationship in a SQL database?

I am in the process of designing a database organizing real world items in different storage locations. One main principle is that items can contain other items. So the relevant table is: An "...
gaugau's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I design a secure content verification web application?

In my country, there is a high number of fraudulent doctor's sick letter as they are manually written on paper. I'm designing a web application to combat this issue and have the whole process ...
Siya Stoan Sosibo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Database Design: Storing price date wise, or date range wise?

I must store prices for various items on multiple dates. The table schema would look like this: CREATE TABLE date_wise_price ( item_code varchar, date date, price numeric(19,4) ) An ...
Rohit Jain's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sharding rule updating on DB scaling

When you have sharding, horizontal partitioning, you have multiple DBMS instances, and your server app chooses which one to use by some rule that uses record IDs. Well, for example, we have ...
AivanF.'s user avatar
  • 191
-1 votes
3 answers

Should I de-normalize my DB schema for a multi tenant application

I am working on a multi-tenant application that's using a shared Postgres db for all tenants. All entities in the DB are connected (directly or indirectly) to a tenant, for example: Tenant --has many--...
Moha the almighty camel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Race conditions in API calls within Golang microservices

I have a microservice architecture running on Heroku. I am having some problems handling race conditions. The problem is, that service A: Needs to fetch the user's balance through an API call to ...
Harald Nordgren's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Caching expensive sql queries on first page load

I have a web application with an express/node backend using typeorm and PostgreSQL. The home page in my app is a query with lots of inner joins that shows the user a complex report. This query takes ...
CamJohnson26's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it true that ORM allows for changing the type of SQL that you use easily?

Hey so I have been looking into ORM since my last question and I am wondering. Instead of worrying alot right now about whether I will use mysql, postgre, or sqlite, would it be better to use ORM ...
Kwsswart's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Sync local database with remote

My client has a business which work mostly in remote areas where internet felicity is limited, We have a central database and the branches in remote areas need to connect to the central database. We ...
Jisson's user avatar
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1 answer

Doing data manipulation on server side vs client side

Im building a project that stores time series data on a per user basis. On the dashboard of the user it'll show some simple statistical analysis like averages but more importantly, it'll create charts ...
WildWombat's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Adding unstructured data to a relational database (PostgreSQL)

I'm building a project and I only know the MERN stack. Everywhere I see the general consensus is that Mongo is not good and should only be used in very specific use cases. More importantly, I also ...
WildWombat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should I perform some minor denormalization to save myself several queries in the future?

I'm in charge of designing the entire backend for the REST API of an application that works more or less like an online browser game (think OGAME, Travian, and the likes). In this game, players are ...
neirenoir's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Data integrity on polymorphic association to two different table

Let's say I have a very large student list want to filter if each of these students is satisfying some specific classroom school and classroom limitations. So, in my data model, I have School and ...
Eray's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use strict schema with seemingly fluid data type

Our company is trying to find a good generic way to have Many-to-One data for an entity. For example, a user might have 1 primary email, but many other emails also attached to their account. So we ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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0 answers

Recommendations for data clustering in an application

I am making a social media app. I have a use case in which i have to cluster similar type of data. For example, take Instagram. When a user likes a post, we get a notification that 'x likes your post'...
Gabriel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Using PostgreSQL MD5 hash to calculate a 64 bit hash value for advisory lock functions?

I have a particular problem addressing the PostgreSQL advisory locking functions using the bigint variants. Basically I want to create a 64 bit bigint value from a text type obtained with the ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Running a high availability PostgreSQL cluster on native AWS services only

Backstory: I am unable to use RDS, as I need to install cartridges in my PostgreSQL instances. I have been trying to pin down an architecture for PostgreSQL running on EC2 instances for a few days. ...
tjwoon's user avatar
  • 29
2 votes
1 answer

Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL combination

I have a marketplace application and I stored data in a PostgreSQL. I have performance problem for product search, I know I can improve search performance if I use Elasticsearch instead of PostgreSQL ...
zblash's user avatar
  • 53
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1 answer

Optimizing inserting/storing Large amount of data in database

We have a POST API that takes data from the Client and send it to different applications (Payment, Email, SMS). We also store all the data sent by the Client in a database for future analytics ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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0 answers

Architecture recommendation for dynamic integration of algorithms/scripts

I am looking for a simple software architecture that is able to evaluate user data using different versions of algorithms. According to my concept, the user is able to upload tabular data via a Web ...
Mr. Rookie's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Retry a failed REST API request - Java/Postgres

We have a REST API which calls a third-party REST API to Send Emails. The Third Party API is not super reliable and randomly fails every now and then with a 500. Our Clients do not want to retry at ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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0 answers

Building a Feed Handler and Persisting JSON Data to Postgresql

I'm starting a pet project and would like some advice. I need to perform the following: Scrape JSON Data from a REST API Save the Data into my Postgresql table Paginate through the rest API and ...
Tea's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Which is better for my use case? A hybrid customer data model or a document store customer data model?

I am trying to get some preliminary insight into the pros and cons of using either a hybrid model (jsonb document-relational) or an all jsonb document store model for customer data in PostgreSQL. Both ...
TJP's user avatar
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