Questions tagged [prolog]

A logic programming language.

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26 votes
4 answers

Why is Prolog good for AI programming? [closed]

I am researching programming languages used for AI programming. I know that LISP is taught as an AI programming language in my university, but Prolog rarely is. I am kind of fond of Prolog, but I'm ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Why Aren't Rule Engines Written In Prolog? [closed]

From what I've seen of Prolog, it seems as if it would be ideal for crafting a rule engine for an app. Yet, I don't believe I've ever seen a rule engine written in Prolog. Is there some inherent ...
Onorio Catenacci's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Recent programming language for AI? [closed]

For a few decades the programming language of choice for AI was either Prolog or LISP, and a few more others that are not so well known. Most of them were designed before the 70's. Changes happens a ...
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar