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2 answers

Deserializing serial protocol enums: Recoverable or unrecoverable errors?

I am currently implementing a library in Rust that implements a proprietary serial protocol. The protocol specifies several enum values, that mostly are returned by the hardware as u8s (bytes), but ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What IP protocol number should I use for my custom IP protocol? [closed]

I want do develop an IP based protocol oriented to smallest possible data overhead. For example UDP adds overhead of 8 bytes header. I want zero header. I will use this protocol via 2G mobile network ...
user1576055's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Software Design: Decoupling when highly dependent on a third party library

As part of an university project I am currently working on an eeg-biosignal classifier. While the project itself doesn't really focus on design ("anything that works") I am trying to learn ...
J. Lo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Difference between API and protocol?

What's the difference between an API and a protocol? To use a specific example: Is Coinbase's choice to refer to its WebSocket client specification as an "API" appropriate? It seems that ...
Katie's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

adding optional code for bad protocol state check

I've got a GRPC API that I'm designing. It includes an RPC method that requires the caller follow-up with another API call. Some pseudo-code a client might write: val apiInstsance = makeAPIInstance() ...
Groostav's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Protocol Design robustness against corruption

I am currently in the design phase of a binary protocol which is intended to be agnostic of the transport layer, meaning it should work on top of for example websockets as well as serial device to ...
Curunir's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What are the benefits of HTTP statuses compared to custom JSON based protocol?

I am currently developing a service and a client and I use HTTP statuses for communicating certain info. For example, I have a POST /vikings endpoint that starts a long running process to create a ...
Anton Daneyko's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to implement a RESTful API with a protocol other than HTTP(S)?

I was confused by the distinction between REST and HTTP, and I found this article that cleared things up for me. In summary, it explained that REST is a set of general principles for web communication,...
T Hummus's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Should the client handle unsolicited protocol events from the backend?

This is a very generic question not much related to any language/protocol. I have a desktop application and a backend that communicate via TCP. Most protocol events are paired -- request/response. For ...
badSantos's user avatar
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0 answers

advice for web communication protocol for "streaming" multiple JSON objects to multiple clients

As a hobby / to learn I am building an app in JavaScript using Node.js where a component of it will take input from a client, send it to a server, and then broadcast it to other clients. For ...
Leftover Salad's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

What are services and interfaces of a layer in a computer network model? [closed]

In Tanenbaum's Computer Networks book Three concepts are central to the OSI model: Services. Interfaces. Protocols. Probably the biggest contribution of the OSI model is that it makes the ...
Tim's user avatar
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Creating an internet gateway for a Bluetooth Low Energy device

I have a device that connects using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). I want it to communicate with a server over the internet using a smartphone as a gateway. I have thought of different approaches and I ...
RealTimeEngineer91's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

What exactly is HTTP/2 protocol

Saw below definition on What is HTTP/2? HTTP/2 is a replacement for how HTTP is expressed “on the wire.” It is not a ground-up rewrite of the protocol; HTTP methods, status ...
kulsin's user avatar
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3 answers

Is RPC itself a network protocol?

Design Data Intensive Applications compares RPC and REST. It says The RPC model tries to make a request to a remote network service look the same as calling a function or method in your programming ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

Error handling in an event driven system

The context I have two components A & B, which communicate through events . Components B is responsible for long running background processes and it listens to the following event: ...
Cap Barracudas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Developing and debugging code with a logic analyzer?

Until now I used Arduinos with shields and ICs and mostly I used libraries to communicate with i.e. ADC, DAC, Real Time Clock, etc. Now I want to do the same kind of programming with the same ICs ...
Edgar's user avatar
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1 answer

Message passing interface between protocol layers

Let's imagine a custom network application having 3 protocol layers. Layer A is the top-level protocol and layer C is the lower level protocol. Each layer has its distinct functionalities. These ...
Debashish's user avatar
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1 answer

Communication between separated application parts

I have searched well before asking this question, and some of the questions look like what I need here, but none of the gave a clear answer to my question. I am writing a web application (in PHP if ...
Osama Aldemeery's user avatar
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1 answer

Network programming (boost::asio), architecture and communication protocols

I'm trying to make a simple network application using boost::asio. I think that I understood the basic things like io_context, async functions etc, but I really don't know how to deal with buffers. ...
bielu000's user avatar
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2 answers

Syncing two Notifications and Merging them Into One

I am running into this issue: Suppose that there are two independent services, A and B, and both process messages from C. Suppose that I have a service X that needs to know if a message m from C was ...
Husain's user avatar
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HTTP/REST and chained processing protocol/convention

Is there a protocol or a convention that supports REST (ok, maybe we should use HTTP here instead) processing chain and some neat features to help with that? Let me explain what I mean. Let's assume ...
OzrenTkalcecKrznaric's user avatar
3 votes
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What to choose, ioctl-like interface or a set of distinct methods?

I am implementing a messaging protocol between nodes on a network and i am wondering how to expose the messaging system interface to the programmers. The messaging protocol supports a set of commands ...
Karim Manaouil's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How are transactions on ATMs and their banks typically synchronized?

There are points of failure: ATM gives money then send a deduction request to it's bank. What happens, if the request will fail? the user got the money but his account hasn't been deducted - fail. ...
arminvanbuuren's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Network Topology for ATM and POS Systems

I'm looking to understand the high-level architecture, topology, protocols and componentry of ATMs and POS systems work with banking institutions worldwide. I've read several half-way decent articles ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Microservices with OOP and Functional Programming [closed]

After reading and using different concepts(right or wrong) questions related to modularity have appeared. I want to implement the microservice architecture in my projects the right way. As from ...
DaAmidza's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is Modbus/TCP not considered a real-time protocol?

It is often stated that Modbus/TCP isn't a real-time protocol. It is also "known" that Modbus isn't a real-time protocol. This despite the fact that the original Modbus protocol is highly ...
user247243's user avatar
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1 answer

A way to communicate between 100 clients on low budget

I have a group of 100 clients around the globe, that need to communicate between then self, fast. Each message that each of the clients sends needs to be broadcasted to everyone. The messages will be ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How are some websites utilizing .JSON protocols as their web address I understand how .JSON works but, how is it possible to use that instead of say, .php or .html this is the first time I've seen anything like that.
ARLCode's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the protocol to follow if I wish to make significant changes to software in someone else's public github repository?

For example, I find myself using software X. Software X has a github repository. I find that I can make a lot of serious refactoring changes that are not small, and reconfigure the entire repository ...
Dennis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Swift's Numeric protocol inherit from the Comparable protocol?

I created a generic class MyClass<T: Numeric> {...} and got errors in my functions that tried to use > and <, along the lines of "Binary operator '>' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands."...
SaganRitual's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Protocol to expose services to process both on same machine or remote

I am developing a server that exposes multiple services to other processes (they could be both servers or hmi clients): those could be hosted on the same machine or not and they could be written in ...
Marco Stramezzi's user avatar
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1 answer

AMQP protocol and protocols in general

Recently I was reading the AMQP protocol specification from the official website, however, because this is my first protocol that I am trying to study in depth so couple of generic questions about ...
kuskmen's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What is (full) semantic transparency?

I was reading the RFC 2616 regarding HTTP/1.1 when this term came up: Therefore, the HTTP/1.1 protocol provides these important elements: [...] Protocol features that provide full semantic ...
0x01Noodle's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a protocol an application?

Basically, I was debating in my head how an API and a protocol are different. After thinking about it, I come my newbie conclusions that I believe they are pretty much the same, except that protocols ...
chromechris's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to explain to a trainee how a computer receives external messages [closed]

I got a trainee in the company I work for. We are currently working on a JS interface that communicates through websocket with a C/Lang server. My trainee asked me a very good question this morning. ...
Hakeem El Bakka-lee's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is there such a thing as Protocol Oriented Programming?

I am copy/pasting my comment from this article sumarizing a post on reddit: I really don't think "Protocol Orientation" is something new... You've got protocols in Obj-C, you've got Interfaces in ...
Lescai Ionel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In Objective-C,what is the naming convention around protocols and their implementation classes?

Is there a naming convention for protocols and concrete implementations of them in Objective-C? Specifically regarding a protocol that's used as an abstract 'service' or 'manager' class declaration. ...
Mitch Ware's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are mIa, mId and dIa interfaces?

This document on European Telecommunications Standards Institute website describes some Machine2Machine (M2M) communications protocols. I've seen mIa, mId and dIa interfaces in some research papers, ...
user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Is it a good idea to multiplex blocking streams into a TCP connection?

I need several duplex channels between two hosts. There are a number of advantages to establish only one TCP connection. But I doubt multiplexing would cause some inevitable problems. Will it harm ...
Sherwood Wang's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

use of UDP in DNS

UDP provides no guarantee for delivery and no protection from duplication and is connection-less protocol but why then DNS uses UDP protocol. Please make me clarify. At what conditions we should ...
nischalinn's user avatar
0 votes
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How to go about a remote shutdown program?

i've been wrapping my head around this and I want some ideas. How would I go about making a remote shutdown program for one computer to shutdown another? Would I use http or another protocol? I was ...
hiperbolt's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are there any JSON based notations for Access Control Lists? (Alternative to S-Expression)

I'm looking for a notation that is familiar to modern developers and can supersede s-Notation. (additional insight into Rivest's proposal of s-Expression is here) Is there any Swagger, JSON or other ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
1 vote
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Does my Remote Procedure and Event Protocol complete?

I recently wrote a protocol I call RPEP (, partially in response to the unfortunately named WAMP protocol. I'm looking for feedback as to whether the protocol is ...
B T's user avatar
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Bluetooth - is rfcomm totally bypassable as a protocol?

I ask my question on programmers because: no coding is really involved this question is very conceptual concerning an exchange protocol. Bit of context: When you implement Bluetooth, like I do, you ...
Larry's user avatar
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Exposing blocking API in golang?

I have a golang library that abstracts a network service (think IRC-alike). The network server produces events which users of my library should consume. I'm using blocking network calls internally. I ...
mappu's user avatar
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Exact definition of Sec-Websocket-Key in Websocket Protocol

I'm wondering what the exact definition of the header-field Sec-Websocket-Key is. The field is used for Websocket connections. The client asks the server to upgrade from HTML to Websocket. The request ...
Bobface's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it rational to convert protobuf into json to send it to a web server?

Protobuf is a good thing, it allows c++ devs to not bother with class serialization/deserialization, is fast and .proto format is very nice. It also allows automatic data validation. But the messages ...
Zeks's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

What is a URI Scheme?

I have searched for this question, but I haven't found a good answer. Even the Wikipedia Article on URIs does not explain it thoroughly. I thought it was the protocol for accessing a web page. e.g. ...
b0yfriend's user avatar
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How do I write a proper messaging protocol?

I need to write a messaging protocol between client and server for a game application. I need to send messages back and forth such as, Player joined a game, player left game, player performed this ...
tones31's user avatar
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Serial communications: how to verify that received message is a response to the last request sent?

Imagine the following situation. Two devices (master and slave) communicate with each other using any serial protocol like Modbus or HDLC or custom-made one. Master device sends a request to the ...
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