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2 answers

Make infinite loop handleable via delay?

I have a Node.js micro-service architecture-based back-end. Services communicate with each other via PubSub. E.g. upon a request to service A, service A messages either service B or service C via ...
cis's user avatar
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Event-based communication between microservices

I'm currently looking into NestJS to use as the framework for a new e-commerce project. The goal is to build multiple loosely-coupled services, which can communicate with each other using the pub/sub ...
JasonK's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Run a job every hour with Lambda or something else?

I am working on a SaaS project that will have a trial when the trial is ending I get a webhook notification when 3 days are remaining. I do some stuff with this and one of the things is I update user....
joshk132's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How to implement a message queue over Redis?

Why Redis for queuing? I'm under the impression that Redis can make a good candidate for implementing a queueing system. Up until this point we've been using our MySQL database with polling, or ...
djechlin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Simple, permanent queue system with pub/sub for Node.js?

Highly related I'm investigating a robust message passing system for this application of mine. The easyest ...
Claudio's user avatar
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