Questions tagged [reinventing-the-wheel]

"Reinventing the wheel", when applied specifically to programming, is the act of reprogramming something that has already been made, and which can alternatively be copied from a pre-existing source and reused.

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121 votes
25 answers

Is reinventing the wheel really all that bad?

Its common knowledge in programming that reinventing the wheel is bad or evil. But why is that? I am not suggesting that it's good. I believe it to be wrong. However, I once read an article that ...
16 votes
7 answers

If a fluent coder disregards good practices, doesn't his fluency work against him? [closed]

I am working on a fairly large and buggy application - and due to the way it's written (I'll spare you details, but it violates rules in most areas you can think of), it is next to impossible ...
Konrad Morawski's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

What counts as reinventing the wheel?

Do the following scenarios count as "reinventing the wheel" in your book? A solution exists, but not in the language you want to use, and existing solutions can't be interfaced with the language you ...
dsimcha's user avatar
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