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4 answers

how to convince team and project manager that post-launch deployments are okay for new features

We have a site that launched and is "feature-complete", we've done all that the client has asked for and fixed a few bugs post-launch. However, I noticed that our site's home page is using 100 SQL ...
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2 votes
3 answers

Releasing Mobile Application under multiple platforms, same time or?

I've always had this idea circling around until I am facing this issue. We made an android app, it is ready, but we are planning to release the same app on iOS and possibly Windows Phone; Now, ...
SAFAD's user avatar
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Eclipse: on new projects, which mode: debug or release?

I'm asked to teach my students Eclipse. The lectures are already done; I see that the teacher asks the students to always start a new project in "Release" mode. Is this a good idea? If "yes", or if "...
Olivier Pons's user avatar