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Storing multiple instances on a Singleton?

RefactoringGuru's example Singleton in Python has an _instances dictionary field class Singleton(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls....
Michael Moreno's user avatar
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Using class attributes as globals in Python - is there a catch?

I have found myself in the habit of using code like this. class glb: "just for holding globals" args = None # from argparse conf = None # from configparser def main(): ......
Alias_Knagg's user avatar
4 votes
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What's wrong with using a Singleton?

I'm working on a Python application in which there are two Singleton classes: App and Configuration. The former seems straight forward, only ever instantiate one App instance; the latter seems ...
pstatix's user avatar
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How should I represent an object whose instances share the same set of member function identifiers, but those identifiers specify different behaviors?

I'm attempting to develop an open-source Python module for modeling task networks for discrete event simulation. The most fundamental component is the task object, which includes various data such as ...
mcman's user avatar
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Using singletons in Python (Django)

I was suggested to define a singleton in Python in the following way: class Controller: pass # ... controller = Controller() However, this way, controller cannot be replaced with a derived ...
porton's user avatar
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Is it reasonable to use a decorator to instantiate a singleton in Python?

Suppose I have a class like this: class Foo(object): # some code here As it happens, Foo is a singleton. There are numerous ways to write singletons in Python, but most of them don't really ...
Kevin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Using module level declared global "singletons" in python

Ok, I know that using singletons is generally a bad practice, but if I do it (for db connection, logging et al.) am I allowed to go (in respect of clean design) with a module defined variable that is ...
zeller's user avatar
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