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Questions tagged [static-keyword]

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2 answers

Singleton pattern without static

I heard that static (in the Java sense, basically a static method is called on the class itself and not on an instance) is not True OOP. However, how would the Singleton pattern be implemented in such ...
vikarjramun's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

Why prefer non-static inner classes over static ones?

This question is about whether to make a nested class in Java to be a static nested class or an inner nested class. I searched around here and on Stack Overflow, but couldn't really find any questions ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 14.4k
6 votes
2 answers

Static variable - Usage and Implications on Threading

I have some confusion regarding the use of static variables/references in a class. It feels like I may not have entirely figured out the implications of keeping something static. When I say a ...
Mechanik's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

OO PHP static keyword, should I use it?

I'm writing script for fb and I have 3 objects that I'll be using through all classes. I'm wondering if there is any advantage in using the static keyword except I don't have to create an instance ...
Arline Rosales's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Understanding the static keyword

I have some experience in developing with Java, Javascript and PHP. I am reading Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step which I feel it is a very good book on introducing you to the C# language. I ...
Nistor Alexandru's user avatar
128 votes
10 answers

Don't Use "Static" in C#?

I submitted an application I wrote to some other architects for code review. One of them almost immediately wrote me back and said "Don't use static. You can't write automated tests with static ...
Infin8Loop's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Why is there no facility to overload static properties in PHP?

Intro PHP allows you to overload method calls and property accesses by declaring magic methods in classes. This enables code such as: class Foo { public function __get($name) { return 42; } } $...
Jon's user avatar
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51 votes
4 answers

Why and when should I make a class 'static'? What is the purpose of 'static' keyword on classes?

The static keyword on a member in many languages mean that you shouldn't create an instance of that class to be able to have access to that member. However, I don't see any justification to make an ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar