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Questions tagged [team]

It refers to the group of people (software developers, testers, project managers, product owners, etc.) who are working on the same project or company. However, usually it refers to a team of software developers.

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-2 votes
1 answer

Is it worth to have only Component teams in Software development? [closed]

I am in a Component team setup now where there are only Front-end teams, Business logic teams, SAP teams etc. where they work separately in different Scrum teams, different Sprints, backlogs etc. ...
Marck's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes
3 answers

How to do a software patent search, as an individual or a team?

There are some parts of software where I'm generally aware of patent issues, like media formats and encoders/decoders, etc. But I'm also aware of a few software patents that, if I didn't already know ...
Kaia's user avatar
  • 422
0 votes
3 answers

Team Development Workflow

I think my team may be doing agile a bit wrong but I can't put my finger on exactly how. After a collaborative design of a feature that'll take a week or so to accomplish, we break into tasks which is ...
m25's user avatar
  • 153
2 votes
1 answer

Best practices for team development with NuGet projects in .Net

TL;DR I want to change the way our current enterprise code base is constructed to utilize NuGet packages for the inter-project references, but that seems to present some challenges when considering ...
James Feazell's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Where do most development teams compile and run their code to test it? [closed]

Context: I'm not employed as a software developer. But I do hobby projects pretty regularly, and I was curious if application dependencies can be super varied during compilation and testing (if all ...
netcloud45's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

DDD for team composition

I have been asked by the BA/PM community in my company how DDD/domain modelling can be used as a tool when deciding how to form, split teams and how to decide their missions. I have my own thoughts on ...
edu's user avatar
  • 129
-2 votes
2 answers

How to split and estimate work in multi layer application [closed]

So, I'm trying to understand how this is done in real life... If I have a website with an API and a UI, and a User Story comes in like... as a user I want to be able to login that requires changes ...
PedroC88's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

What are some best practices for team structure around Mobile and Desktop apps? [closed]

We're currently developing a product which will have a Web version and a Mobile version. At the moment, the plan is to have identical features on both of these. From a tech perspective, there is an ...
pvukovic's user avatar
  • 145
0 votes
2 answers

Release Management best practice for cross-functional teams

I want to know about best practices for release management of a product-technical team with about 7 cross-functional teams included. We changed our team structure to something like Spotify Squads ...
Mahmood Kohansal's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Best way to keep development and testing in synch

We have 1 frontend developer and 2 backend developers and 1 QA. QA is responsible for writing the end-to-end tests using Cypress. FE developer writes the unit tests. Backend developers write the unit ...
systemdebt's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Software Development Team Roles [closed]

While it is an undeniable truth that there is no formula for the perfect team mainly because different projects might require different roles and skills, there should be some pretty common elements to ...
Alexis Pavlidis's user avatar
95 votes
8 answers

Adding a new developer just before deadline is horrible. But what is not?

Imagine a project is assigned to a team, deadline is estimated as 8 months. After 6 months it becomes apparent the project will most certainly not be complete on time(e.g a law changes or a hidden ...
Vorac's user avatar
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235 votes
25 answers

How do I prevent Scrum from turning great developers into average developers?

I found this also happened in my team although he may have exaggerated the situation a little bit. Scrum is a way to take a below average or poor developer and turn them into an average developer. It'...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to minimize errors between teams working on a shared code base

Imagine there are two solutions that each have their model, and data layer separately, and are developed separately on different git repositories, but they both are using the same database. Now, team ...
Ali Bordbar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Splitting up a big project for several teams by git

We have a big angular project that works with several APIs provided by other projects. This project has a common part that is shared by all. It includes smaller sections dedicated to different teams ...
Hamid Mohammadi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Product Backlog items estimation - How to avoid estimations in hours when there is no team velocity and team is new?

This is the case: A new team which consists of 6 people. They are a new team so there is no velocity that can be used for further sprint planning. A problem: The project manager wants to know when ...
DarkKnightSM's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Should refinement activity be ''locked'' in the calendar? - Must all of the members in the Scrum team participate in it?

We have two-week sprints and our PO organizes grooming activity when it's needed looking after that it should not exceed more than 10% of the development time. Question is: - Should refinement ...
DarkKnightSM's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Merging teams with different front end framework preferences

My company just went through a merger and as a result my small team has been expanded. From our side we have been using React for several years, and I firmly believe for us it is the superior choice ...
chris's user avatar
  • 279
3 votes
2 answers

How to distribute code reviews workload in a small team?

I have a small team where I'm largely the only person who reviews what goes into production and makes sure that the code introduced doesn't contradict business logic, no bugs etc.. I know a lot of ...
Jad S's user avatar
  • 561
13 votes
4 answers

Does every member of an agile team need to be a software developer?

We recently started using agile methodologies at my company. Because I am quite new to agile, I wonder if our way of implementing it is correct according to the basic principles of agile. Previously, ...
tsardine's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How to be a good team member and push the team towards new paradigms and technologies at the same time.

I am pretty new within our Scrum team. (Round about 4 months) Whenever I suggest some paradigm like "DevOps" or technology like "Kubernetes" to solve issues I am criticised at least from a part of the ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is over communication a sign of bad software sometimes? [closed]

Currently, I work in a company that divides the product into squads, and each squad is responsible for a different product (or software). The squad that I've been working takes care of a software that ...
user91352's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to planning tasks with junior developers? [closed]

As I am only senior developer in team, Others are juniors who not strong to write clean code and architect. Problem is the during sprint planning, It took very hard time for me to lead technical ...
kitta's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

By what criteria should automated end-to-end test implementation work be allocated?

Assuming that the entire product team has agreed that implementing some automated end-to-end tests* is worthwhile in the first place... By what criteria should the workload of implementing automated ...
Will's user avatar
  • 712
1 vote
4 answers

Coworkers don't seem to care about best practices [closed]

I am a member of a 6 person team of software engineers within a 400 person department at a fairly well known company. We are responsible for the business applications our department uses, both third-...
Dan Appleyard's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can I painlessly upgrade my team's codebase to Visual Studio 2017?

So our team has products that currently runs on Visual Studio 2013. Now we want to move to Visual Studio 2017. So I've been assigned the task to make the transition to Visual Studio 2017 as painless ...
Lester Dela Cruz's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What are the strategies on a large software program (200 engineers) to get people to fix environments when people are measured on features?

I work on a large software program in financial services. (15 project managers, 20 technical leads, 15 environments, 150 people on the technical side). We do lots of Bankwide integration to hundreds ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

What to do with a development team that is starving? [closed]

It sucks being on the critical path as normal developer, especially if you're late. When you're the senior developer, that the team is looking to for leadership, it's even worse. When work for ...
candied_orange's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

On a SCRUM meeting the product team was debating about a feature on an API that will be consumed by mobile app. We had a mock up that showed how the screen should look like and what key elements it ...
Jacek Kobus's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Collaborating on a visual studio project

In our company I started to develop an ADDIN for a drawing application. The first results of this ADDIN were reviewed as successful by the direction and they want to increase the workload on the ...
Mech_Engineer's user avatar
16 votes
10 answers

Disagreement with project lead on coding standards [closed]

So I'm working on a new project along with my project lead for the past 1 year. Initially we had our own sub-projects that resided in separate git repos, I had little interaction with his code, so ...
George Kagan's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Does my agile project really need a dedicated business analyst (BA)?

At the consultancy I'm from we were encouraged to be "full stack" team players in "self organizing teams". This wasn't just "full stack" in the technical sense (DevOps, automated testing, UX/UI ...
cottsak's user avatar
  • 216
3 votes
2 answers

Dev and Tester separated team AND single sprint

First a bit of background : Previously in V cycle process, we have a dev team and a product definition/tester team (we'll call them testers). We moved to agile few months ago with still this ...
user2892355's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is this the wrong environment for CI?

Background Team/Project Size Currently at our company, we have a team of 3 developers. We each have our own projects that we work on. So, we never have more than one person working on a software ...
Snoop's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Development Methodology for Many Projects

Twice now I have encountered an office where there are many projects being done simultaneously. The two different approaches I've seen to this is splitting people up into very small (1-2 people) ...
Danny A's user avatar
  • 125
5 votes
2 answers

How to split up the initial work on a project?

I'm finding it hard to divide work in a group of programmers when a project starts out. It seems like every project has one big piece of core functionality that everything else depends upon. I find ...
bigblind's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to respond to bizarre requests in code reviews? [closed]

I think that code reviews are great and very helpful for everyone. With that being said, from time to time I've received feedback on a pull request (leading to the PR being delayed for at least as ...
Patrick Collins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Organizing effectively the project

One of our assignments is to write a website which should use a database. I would like to have some help organizing it. Here are characteristics of our work. The assignment is for a group of 5 people....
llrs's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How viable is it to have a single webapp over several private small repositories?

We are a low budget team working on a web app. Due some complications we might need to work remotely from January and onward. After some consulting and googling, we concluded that several small ...
Silver's user avatar
  • 183
12 votes
5 answers

Alternative to coding directly on server? [duplicate]

We have a large website made in PHP running in Apache on Linux. There are programmers as well as non-technical users modifying the website every day and we do it directly on the test server. Is there ...
Gudradain's user avatar
  • 454
22 votes
2 answers

Is feature ownership a good practice?

Recently in my company it has been suggested that one developer should focus (and only one) in one feature. That would mean something like setting the developer aside of the normal team routine, ...
mdelolmo's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

As a tech team lead, how should I handle team members' coding mistakes and bad practices? [duplicate]

I'm a tech team leader on a team of about 5 developers. The team size is somewhat dynamic as team members periodically leave for other projects and others join the team from other projects. ...
Val Schuman's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Best workflow for a web development team to work on a large amount of projects simultaneously? [duplicate]

We're a team of web developers, and as the number of projects we're working on has grown and continues to, things are starting to get messy. What we currently do is work on a locally shared folder ...
RagZ's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Slicing up the Development Stack - diagonally?

We've got a new project going on, and at the moment developers have been split into two teams, team A and team B. This project has 2 parts to it which require development throughout the development ...
Ian's user avatar
  • 427
2 votes
2 answers

Agile Use Of Dedicated Teams [closed]

When reading the Agile Manifesto, they don't mention anything about dedicated teams. However on some websites (example: this article on agile teams) they claim it's necessary to have a dedicated team ...
user52999's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do you keep your software (anti)patterns organized? [closed]

You probably all have been there. I am working on a certain code and something is not working. I know I have seen the error before, and I also know that I solved it before. But I cannot remember how I ...
Martijn Burger's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Affecting culture as a newly hired developer [closed]

I've been in my first professional position for about six months now, and so I am hitting what I suppose is the pretty typical moment: Naievely perhaps, I think there's a lot of cultural baggage on ...
HamsHroon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

One of my team members committed SQL injection-vulnerable code; should I report it to the manager? [closed]

One of my team members committed a huge mistake; a clear SQL injection-vulnerability. It obviously didn't pass my peer review and I made very clear that this is unacceptable. I never saw this ...
Sherlock's user avatar
  • 190
0 votes
2 answers

Develop GUI and logic in a team the right way? [closed]

I am planning to start a small project with a friend. I will be developing the GUI using JavaFX in the MVC pattern and he will be responsible for the model/logic. My question is: how can we achieve a ...
Benjoyo's user avatar
  • 162
2 votes
1 answer

How to design large applications with little planning experience [closed]

I understand there is plenty of information on the internet about planning and implementing said solid plan in building a large software application, but I was hoping to get something a little more ...
Jerricco's user avatar

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