Questions tagged [test-automation]

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-1 votes
3 answers

Potentially shippable product requires automating tests [closed]

To always have a potentially shippable product at the end of each 2-week Sprint, we need to rerun a lot of regression tests at the end of each Sprint. This is very repetitive and time consuming, so ...
Eugene's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to test a function that updates the password in database?

I have a test database with few user accounts. I don't want to break any tests. If I am writing a function that updates password for user in db and one that reads the password. Should I ideally reset ...
Amogh Talpallikar's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Unit (regression) testing scientific algorithms given floating point behavior

I have been working on a project and running into a very difficult problem. The problem can be stated simply as how to unit-test numerical algorithms. However if you just took this simple statement ...
Jim Kramer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Automating tests in a browser not supported by selenium

I work on a company that have a payment system that runs under a executable kiosk instance of internet explorer 7. when the application is running the process name is not similar with iexplore.exe or ...
Renato Prado's user avatar
185 votes
16 answers

Why does automated testing keep failing in my company?

We have tried to introduce developer automated testing several times at my company. Our QA team uses Selenium to automate UI tests, but I always wanted to introduce unit tests and integration tests. ...
Mag20's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What features should be tested via automated UI testing?

We recently had a consultant tell us that if a feature can only be tested via automated UI tests (e.g. Selenium, Coded UI), then there is an underlying architectural issue. While this statement might ...
Jake Kreider's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

How have Guava unit tests been generated automatically?

Guava has unit test cases automatically generated: Guava has staggering numbers of unit tests: as of July 2012, the guava-tests package includes over 286,000 individual test cases. Most of ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Test case as a function or test case as a class

I am having a design problem in test automation:- Requirements - Need to test different servers (using unix console and not GUI) through automation framework. Tests which I'm going to run - Unit, ...
GodMan's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

What is the best way to go about testing that we handle failures appropriately?

we're working on error handling in an application. We try to have fairly good automated test coverage. One big problem though is that we don't really know of a way to test some of our error handling. ...
Earlz's user avatar
  • 22.8k
13 votes
9 answers

Copy-and-Pasted Test Code: How Bad is This?

My current job is mostly writing GUI test code for various applications that we work on. However, I find that I tend to copy and paste a lot of code within tests. The reason for this is that the areas ...
joshin4colours's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

TDD with SQL and data manipulation functions

While I'm a professional programmer, I've never been formally trained in software engineering. As I'm frequently visiting here and SO, I've noticed a trend for writing unit tests whenever possible and,...
Xophmeister's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Automation at GUI or API Level in Scrum

I am a Automation Engineer. I use QTP for Automation. I wanted to know couple of things. In a scrum Project which has 2 weeks of work, how can complete automation be done in that time frame (talking ...
Sani Parwani's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How would you unit-test or perform the most effective automated testing on graphics code for OpenGL?

I'm writing a game and the accompanying graphics engine on top of OpenGL in C++. Im also a fan of good coding processes and automated testing. Graphics code + testing seems pretty immiscible, since ...
Max's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I do test automation using a python script to test a c program?

I was wondering if I can use a Python script to test a C program automatically. Suppose I have a very simple C program which reads data (numbers as test cases) from the console, calculates them, then ...
Gnijuohz's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Can I use Ruby to automate everything?

I face various types of applications (web-based, GUI-based, command-line, etc.) on various platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) to operate everyday. There is a great opportunity for me to automate tasks ...
TomCaps's user avatar
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48 votes
11 answers

What are the disadvantages of automated testing?

There are a number of questions on this site that give plenty of information about the benefits that can be gained from automated testing. But I didn't see anything that represented the other side of ...
RationalGeek's user avatar
  • 10.1k
2 votes
1 answer

What is a domain of automatic testing tools such as ScalaCheck?

I've seen not so many examples of testing with automatic tools, i.e. serializing/deserializing of JSON (which was paired in the following way: val actual = deserialize(serialize(string))), checking ...
om-nom-nom's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

New sequential testing framework with the same rigor as xUnit?

Looking for books (published or upcoming) and frameworks (preferably free/open-source) for sequential tests. My understanding of sequential tests is that it is very similar to a Workflow System, ...
rwong's user avatar
  • 16.9k
23 votes
14 answers

What problem does automated user interface testing solve?

We are currently investigating automated user interface testing (we currently do automated unit and integration testing). We've looked at Selenium and Telerik and have settled on the latter as the ...
IThasTheAnswer's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Can software performance monitoring/profiling be automated to a high degree, as in unit testing?

Unit testing consists of executable code which exercise a certain functionality and then assert some conditions. The results are either Pass or Fail. The objective is always to have all tests passed. ...
rwong's user avatar
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