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Questions tagged [text-editor]

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0 answers

How to support text editing when the text has to be synchronized with fixed audio?

In my application, we record audio of people speaking, send this to a speech-to-text (STT) service, and present the text to the user for editing. Simplifying a bit, the STT service returns results in ...
Joshua Frank's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Integrating TeX into a Java desktop application

Looking to integrate TeX equations in a TeX-agnostic fashion, suitable for either ConTeXt or LaTeX, into a Java-based desktop Markdown editor. The possibilities are numerous, but I'm not sure what ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Design decision for a cross-platform text editor that optimized for speed

On designing a cross-platform text editor that optimized for speed - I heard uses node.js, would it be slow? I heard sublime text uses C++, would it lots of effort to be cross platform and ...
william007's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Writing programs in an unsupported language

Is it possible to write a program in a language unsupported by an editor or IDE, save it, then run it in different IDE or editor that does support the language?
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How the rope data structure works when doing syntax highlighting

I am looking into the Rope Data Structure, used by some text editors like the xi editor. I get the basics of how it works, and have seen some sample implementations such as here or here. But I am ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

Re-purposing a text editor for non-coding use

So by day I work in healthcare and by night I code. When I am at work I can't help but think how much time a functional text editor should help my job. I am constantly writing documentation that has ...
Harvs's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to statically check you didn't forget to await for an async function

A common bug in JavaScript is to forget the await keyword when calling an async function. Of course you don't always want to await, sometimes you really want to get a promise. And of course you can't ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Algorithm and data structure for text comments

Which data structure are used for commenting text and which algorithms take care for updating the comment position? A commenting feature is present in every good word processor such as Microsoft Word, ...
medonja's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What method for storing a text file in memory (c not c++) would allow me to open any format(UTF-8, Binary, etc) and a file of any size?

My first thought here is to use a dynamic array, but I am looking for something better. Currently I have the text files open into "chunks". Every word or group of spaces makes up a "chunk". Then I ...
Joe's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

Why should PHP developer use/learn VI editor? [closed]

Why should PHP developer use/learn VI editor ? I mean there are 10 most amazing editors like PHPStorm, Netbeans which increases developers productivity. Lets just consider PHPStorm. I never got ...
Pratik Joshi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How is encoding handled correctly during copy-paste between programs?

Suppose a program A opens a text file A using encoding A to decode the file, and a program B opens a text file B using encoding B. When we copy some text from file B in program B to file A in ...
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Online code editors programming language

When searching for online code editors (out of interest how all the course sites such as Codecademy has been made) I noticed they are all been written in JavaScript. Why are all those code editors ...
Bas's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

How to restrict user submitted CSS within <div> [closed]

We are having rich text editor in which we can insert html. if any input contains <style> tag then the css is applied to entire window. is it possible to restrict that CSS to be applied within &...
user116017's user avatar
43 votes
5 answers

Why are dark color schemes in editors so popular? [closed]

Nowadays, almost everybody is using a dark color scheme in their code editor - dark background with light text. Even most web based editors (e.g on Github) feature dark color schemes. I honestly don'...
lethal-guitar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best way to quickly explore/grok open source C/C++ projects? [duplicate]

I'm looking for a suggested workflow for quickly being able to download various c/c++ open source projects and then begin intelligently navigate sources. "Intelligently" means being able to jump ...
lilinjn's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does Text Editor Sign The Files? [closed]

As images have EXIF data which provide info about where and how they are created, do any Text Editors append such kind of descriptive details to code files? For example I use Coda for my programming ...
Vtatma's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What's the best language to use for a simple windows 7 dynamic gui desktop app [closed]

[Note: I hope I am not breaking etiquette, but I originally posted a variant on this question here, but am re-asking here because I am making this now solely a question about programming.] I would ...
Lepidopterist's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

good c++ editor [closed]

I'm going to teach teenagers some C++ code. I need an editor which is simple and has built in compiler. We tried CodeBlocks but when we installed it in the machines, the text got reversed, I'm not ...
romani's user avatar
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44 votes
11 answers

Is C# development effectively inseparable from the IDE you use?

I'm a Python programmer learning C# who is trying to stop worrying and just love C# for what it is, rather than constantly comparing it back to Python. I'm caught up on one point: the lack of ...
Ghopper21's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to implement a text editor in a browser? [closed]

This is purely an exercise in self improvement and education.I am trying to implement an extension for a vi-like text editor within a browser. Can anyone give any advice or pointers as to where and ...
cobie's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Was Xcode created with Xcode? [closed]

I don't want to get too philosophical here (like did God create God?), but how did Apple create Xcode? Would it have been possible for them to use Xcode to create Xcode? Or would they have to use ...
Snowman's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Open .doc file from my website in browser

What's the best way to give the end-user of my web application the ability to open, edit and save (via browser) word documents that are stored in my database? I have this working by doing an html ...
seth's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Reflective practice in programming using keystroke playback

I'm thinking of applying Reflective Practice to improving my programming skills. To that end, I want to be able to watch myself writing code. In general, what is a good method for applying ...
Grengineer's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

What is the benefit of a visual editor over straight programming?

I'm trying to figure out what the benefit to having a WYSIWYG HTML editor over hard coding, outside of, say, accessibility. It seems like a waste of time to learn how to use something like ...
ryan.riverside's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Where are the next-next-generation editors?

I was reading an old Coding Horror article about indentation, when I read this: Or, maybe you're using a next-next-generation editor that treats code as "data" and the layout (including whitespace) ...
Theodor's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Domain-aware code text editors [closed]

General text editors don't change greatly. Syntax highlighting and code collapsing are not big changes really. If an editor is structure or domain aware, this usually comes with a different layouts - ...
Maksee's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What do you use macros in your editor for? [closed]

My editor of choice is Notepad++. It has macro capabilities, but as much as I think, I don't see how can I use it for anything. Do you use macros in your editor that have made your work easier? (...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Online Code Editor [closed]

The major online IDEs are hosted on the service provider's server. Examples are Kodingen, Cloud9, ShiftEdit. Hence they would be unavailable if the external server was down for some reason, and I ...
Velvet Ghost's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

What Features of an IDE Would Make It More Useful Than A General Purpose Editor

I am authoring a IDE for the Lua language. I find that many programmers do not like to use IDE and prefer VIM (which is in vogue at the moment), SCiTE, or . In trying to win some mind-share I am ...
sylvanaar's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Switch form paragraph mode to line break mode in WYSIWYG editor because of client request?

I'm building a website fro a client which uses TinyMCE as the main WYSIWYG editor. Now my client asked if it is possible to write a line and make a line break and then continue without leaving a ...
wowpatrick's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Inserting copyright notice [closed]

What is the easiest way to insert copyright notice in lots of PHP files. It's not possible to do it manually.
Sourav's user avatar
  • 323
3 votes
9 answers

How frequently do you switch mode? [closed]

I tried VIM and liked it but something stopped from using it: I had to type ESC to often, very often, something like each 5 seconds, and it was highly uncomfortable, so I stopped using it as a primary ...
BenjaminB's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Fast cold start text editor [closed]

Is there text editor with c# syntax highlight which starts VERY FAST? I just want look source code some files in project and i donnt want wait 30 seconds while VS starts.
user avatar
43 votes
12 answers

Must a programmer learn text editors like Emacs and Vim? How important are they? [duplicate]

I have been writing code so far in conventional text editors that come with the OS so far or use an IDE in some cases. I know there are some advanced text editors like Emacs and Vim available solely ...
user avatar
41 votes
20 answers

Time to drop Emacs and vi? [duplicate]

Every time you are looking for a text editor, no matter what language you are using, vi and Emacs are hall-of-famers. However they are ancient, and we have better alternatives (at least I hope we ...
22 votes
8 answers

How do you make slides for programming talks? [closed]

I've given a few talks recently and I have not found a good way to make slides. Here are a few desirable characteristics for programming slides: They're slides. A standard emacs buffer won't do it. ...
Yuvi Masory's user avatar
6 votes
8 answers

What is the best toolkit for writing long technical texts? [closed]

I'm looking for a toolkit in the form of one or a couple of applications that can be used to write long technical texts (such as an introduction to a programming language). What applications (or ...
thr's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

When is it ever ok to write your own development tools? (editor into IDE) [closed]

So I'm foremost using a text editor for coding. It's a very bare bones editor; provides mostly just syntax highlighting. But on rare occasions I also need to debug something. And that's when I have to ...
mario's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Emacs and "self-reinforcing performance"

In short, my question for you hardcore Emacs users is this: have you achieved this "self-reinforcing performance" Steve Yegge talks about? Emacs is self-hosting: writing things in it makes the ...
dorserg's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Highlight global variable in vim (or any other free editor)

In Source Insight, global variable show up in a different colour. Is there a way to accomplish this in vi (or any other free editor)?
hojusaram's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Key bindings war in my brain

How many key bindings are there in your brain? I personally use Intellij Idea as my primary IDE for development, but sometimes switch to Eclipse and Netbeans a bit, and sometimes I use Jedit,Notepad++,...
ZZcat's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

C++ code navigation on OS X [closed]

Other than using Emacs / Vim with ctags or cscope or both, are there alternatives to C++ code navigation of an existing code base? I used to use Source Insight on Windows and it worked for me fairly ...
grokus's user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

Emacs-as-OS: obsolete? [closed]

In an attempt to reach at least beginner status with such a legendary editor, I have been coding in Emacs for the last two months. I try to keep an open heart, but I find myself continally ...
AlcubierreDrive's user avatar
41 votes
16 answers

What justifies the use of an IDE versus a standard editor? [closed]

I find myself using my text editor of choice (vim, nano, gedit, pick your poison) much more often than any IDE as of late. After noticing my ide shortcuts getting dusty I started to think about ...
10 votes
6 answers

How would you highlight code? [closed]

While the basic scenarios are white on black and black on white, most programmers find more varied syntax highlighting useful. What advantages do you find from a general setup? (E.g. "a dark ...
user avatar
21 votes
8 answers

What are some ways to be more productive with Emacs? [closed]

I've used Emacs quite a bit, and I'm comfortable with the most basic commands/shortcuts, but I know Emacs has a lot more to offer than what I'm using. What are some of the lesser known features of ...
GSto's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Do we really need to save source code?

While hacking on some static analysis tool, I realized I could make the task at hand (irrelevant for this question) much easier by saving the source files on-the-fly, while they were being edited. ...
julien's user avatar
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