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Questions tagged [text-processing]

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-1 votes
3 answers

Is there a text distance (or string similarity) algorithm which accounts for the distance between characters?

I'm interested in finding a text distance (or string similarity) algorithm which computes a greater distance (or lower similarity) when characters are further apart. For example, I want the distance ...
Vermillion's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

How to identify whether or not 2 pieces of text are identical? [closed]

Let's say I was to create a scraper. At some point I'll need to come up with algorithm of identifing whether or not a piece of a newly scraped text matches the one that's already in the DB. How would ...
Nicholas E. Harding's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Applying a file diff to a new file [closed]

Suppose I have file a.txt, b.txt and c.txt: a.txt: Hello, I like cake. b.txt: Hello, I like turtles. c.txt: go away, I don't like you I suspect the difference between a.txt and b.txt is ...
user32882's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Database of big text documents many-to-many: one big relationship table, a lot of small ones, or a better way to link abstract text data?

so I am struggling a bit with a database setup. I found post with similar problems, but the reason behind the answers was not what I was looking for, hence I ask again with my specifics. I am building ...
Cerealz's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Convert RTF to HTML when it's saved to the database or when it's rendered?

Users have the ability to enter and save text in a rich text editor which is eventually stored in a database and then rendered on a site. Is it better to convert the RTF to HTML when it's stored to ...
Coupcoup's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Algorithm for line breaking in monospace text

Is there a de facto standard algorithm for finding good places to put line breaks in a paragraph of text rendered in a monospace font (e.g. to a text console)? The algorithm should aim to output lines ...
Lassi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Integrating TeX into a Java desktop application

Looking to integrate TeX equations in a TeX-agnostic fashion, suitable for either ConTeXt or LaTeX, into a Java-based desktop Markdown editor. The possibilities are numerous, but I'm not sure what ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Equal transformations on both indexed content and query content before a search is attempted

In search engine indexing, a body of text is often processed before it is indexed. A common example is stemming, were words are reduced to their root form (plurals are dropped, tense is normalized). ...
Deane's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to test generated text

I am creating a text generation algorithm for my master's research. I have a dialogue between two people and I would like to simulate one part of the conversation with naturally generated text (not ...
Bennie van Eeden's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How does the Arabic typographic layout system work at a high level?

I have some Arabic content that is justified according to western conventions. I justified it because it is justified in ancient sources: However, the way Arabic text justification works is by ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Database structure for word co-occurrence frequencies in a large corpus

I would like to store the frequencies with which words co-occur with each other over a variety of contexts in a large (> 1 billion tokens) text corpus. I need to store the word pair, the type of co-...
pgtn's user avatar
  • 51
0 votes
1 answer

Is my understanding of modern IDEs autosave feature naive? [duplicate]

Long time ago I learned that text files are not like Random access Files, i. e., adding or updating info at the beginning of a text file involves moving all the rest of the file "forward" (or ...
Mdot's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to implement tracking of changes in text documents à la MS-Word/Apple Pages

I want to implement tracking of changes in plain-text documents, in a way similar to how it works in MS Word or Apple Pages. What I am unsure of is the data model and how to store it. Goal The ...
Adam Libuša's user avatar
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3 answers

Find the least words that will use all given letters

With a list of thousands of words and a small list of letters I am trying to find the least amount of words to make use of all given letters, assuming my dictionary of words covers all letters. The ...
kontur's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Name and code to space between lines/paragraphs

I’m seeking a term and possibly the code behind what would help me implement that term in Python. I have been working on a text-based Python journaling application. When I want to review my ...
Iam Pyre's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Windows compatibility with Unix/Linux newline "\n"

A follow-up to Difference between '\n' and '\r\n'. It's been few decades since the schism was introduced. Nowadays, when documents are being exchanged over the internet, typically ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are ordinal indicators considered letters?

It got my by surprise yesterday than ordinal indicators are considered letters. I thought letters were only [a-zA-Z]. Why are they considered letters and not symbols? char.IsLetter('º'); // true ...
NullOrEmpty's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Automatic summarization - whole text or paragraphs

I am writing a tool that will give users the ability to summarize text content on a webpage, by highlighting the text that they wish to get summarized. So far, I've received results that I can work ...
Fluppe's user avatar
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1 answer

How to analyse user input and determine if it (kind of) matches an answer

I'm working on a quiz system that will allow users to enter text as an answer. The question could be something simple to start with, looking for a short phrase, or a select few words as the "correct" ...
simonw16's user avatar
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0 answers

What are the methods to accurately test the accuracy of a parts of speech tagger?

I know that most of the pos tagger algorithms measure their accuracy token wise I.e. whether the token is tagged correctly or not Some pos taggers provide sentence accuracy too. How is sentence ...
Harwee's user avatar
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When to have a generic method for multiple tasks when some differ?

I process a lot of tweets in real time using python and for each tweet I need to assign it in to a specific bucket. I have about 50 buckets, each with their own rules. The majority of them are simple ...
Mo.'s user avatar
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1 answer

An elegant way to split text into words combined with adjacent punctuation and determine which punctuation mark it is

Firstly, I realize that question title is about as terrible as the sample code I'll post below, so please bear with me while I explain the problem more clearly, and if you have a better idea for the ...
Violet Giraffe's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What method for storing a text file in memory (c not c++) would allow me to open any format(UTF-8, Binary, etc) and a file of any size?

My first thought here is to use a dynamic array, but I am looking for something better. Currently I have the text files open into "chunks". Every word or group of spaces makes up a "chunk". Then I ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Efficiently editing text files [duplicate]

I have been working with some fairly large text files containing about two million lines of text. I don't know the length of the content or the lines in advance, just the number of lines. I have been ...
user4752157's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Algorithm for determining transactions among weekly data series?

I'm trying to develop a small reporting tool (with sqlite backend). I can best describe this tool as a "transaction" ledger. What I'm trying to do is keep track of "transactions" from weekly data ...
Swartz's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Synchronizing webpage and local pdf

I would like to solve the following problem. On my website, I have a list of my publications. I also have my list of publications on a latex file of my cv. The issue is that I update these manually, ...
Bob Johns's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Sorting Sentences by New Words in Each

A very useful learning tool I stumbled across for Chinese was a massive list of sentences that, barring the first 10 or 15, only differed by the ones before by one or two words, or at least as few as ...
William Brun's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is best practice to handle whitespaces when letting the user edit the configuration, the name=value pairs?

For instance, you let the user define the notorious path variable. How do you interpret apppath = C:\Program Files\App? This looks like a programming language adopted practice to ignore the white ...
Val's user avatar
  • 367
2 votes
2 answers

Hardware accelerated text processing

Graphics processing units (GPUs) are very common and allow for efficient, parallel processing of floating point numbers. PPUs (Physics Processing Units) used to be a buzzword several years ago but ...
toniedzwiedz's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Generate all possible outcomes from pattern or range

I have multiple patterns that I want to expand. Expansion should expand number and letter ranges between curly braces. Numbers need to support padding. I want to have it expand into a List(Of String) ...
Timberwolf's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tokenizing Text Held in a Rope Data Structure

I am building a text editor which makes use of a Ragel based tokenizer to support syntax highlighting. I am considering the use of a rope data structure to support efficient modifications and undo/...
sesteel's user avatar
  • 75
-1 votes
1 answer

Alternatives to Perl/python scripts for find & replace

I'm working in a fairly old yet sufficiently unproductive code base that I need to create a(some) script(s) to help me out. For example: we add a version # and timestamp at the header of the file ...
cbrulak's user avatar
  • 367
4 votes
1 answer

Sentence Tree vs. Words List

I was recently tasked with building a Name Entity Recognizer as part of a project. The objective was to parse a given sentence and come up with all the possible combinations of the entities. One ...
Rohit Jose's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why is quantity in software still written as "1 result(s)"?

Lately, I've been noticing that a lot of software, be it a website, a client application, or a video game, often write a representation of quantity as follows: "1 result(s)". Now, I can understand why ...
Lars's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How advanced are author-recognition methods?

From a written text by an author if a computer program analyses the text, how much can a computer program tell today about the author of some (long enough to be statistically significant) texts? Can ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom Alphabetic Sorting of Array in Java

I have a requirement to read a text file with lines in tag=value format and then output the file with specific tags listed first and the rest sorted alphabetically. The incoming file is randomly ...
Pablo Vadear's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How does Facebook strip html/apostrophes for XSS but also display it?

I'm not quite sure if this is a question for rather than stackoverflow, but here goes. So Facebook [or any other large company] when given something like an apostrophe or html, can ...
Someone's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Domain-specific language for text search/processing?

I work for an organization that does a lot of work with government data. We have a couple of different projects where we've abstracted out common text search/manipulation operations into reusable ...
Andrew Pendleton's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to process an endless XML data stream

There is an endless data stream of XML messages (and "heartbeats"), that I receive via a telnet connection and through a site-to-site VPN IPsec tunnel. I'm still pondering. What is the best/most ...
derphil's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Finding occurrences of a useful words and phrases in strings

I am building an app that analyzes posts by people by pulling their Tweets and Facebook posts. I need to process all the posts and find useful phrases. What I mean by useful is that, any word or ...
Can Poyrazoğlu's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How should I implement a command processing application?

I want to make a simple, proof-of-concept application (REPL) that takes a number and then processes commands on that number. Example: I start with 1. Then I write "add 2", it gives me 3. Then I ...
Nini Michaels's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Best Practice - XML To Excel

I've to read a big XML file with a lot of information. Afterwards I extract the needed information (~20 Points(columns) / ~80 relevant Data (rows, some of them with subdatasets) and write them out in ...
MemLeak's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Tools for modelling data and workflows using structured text files [closed]

Consider a case when I want to try some idea of an application. But I want to avoid investing a lot of effort in coding UI/work flows/database schema etc before I see that it's going to be useful to ...
Alexey's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Separating words in a string

How do I separate words in a string? In the following I have a random sample of words in a string extracted from text file with over a million words. Here's the string: "intervene Pockets ...
Ji Park's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Text comparison algorithm using java-diff-utils

One of the features in our project is to implement a comparison algorithm between two versions of text and provide a % change between the two versions. While I was researching, I came across google ...
java_mouse's user avatar
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4 answers

Possible applications of algorithm devised for differentiating between structured vs random text

I have written a program that can rapidly (within 5 sec on a 2GB RAM desktop, 2.33 Ghz CPU) differentiate between structured text (e.g English text) and random alphanumeric strings. It can also ...
rooznom's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Which programming language for text editing? [closed]

I need a programming language for text editing and processing (replace, formatting, regular expressions, string comparison, word processing, text analysis, etc.). Which programming language is more ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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2 answers

Available options for classifying words in text?

I am researching ways to classify words in text and I'm wondering what options there are and which are best suited to this job. I'm mostly interested in keywords which are most often nouns. So far I ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
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2 answers

Product classifying algorithm - text classification - C# - algorithm suggestions

Alright people. Finally with the help of stackoverflow community i have gathered 20 commercial product selling websites product pages with the following features Product URL Product Price Product ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

How can I extract words from a sentence and determine what part of speech each is? [closed]

I want to write something that takes a sentence and identifies each word it contains and defines what part of speech each word is. For example Hello World, I am a sentence would return this ...
Vinny's user avatar
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