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Questions tagged [third-party-libraries]

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2 answers

Is it a good idea to have a fork of a library's public repo in my solution?

My company's project uses an open source library, of which I have made a fork for some customizations. My idea is to clone this fork into my solution and to keep pushing my changes into it, as well as ...
Frank Z.'s user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Support different versions of a third-party library for different OS

how to support to vendor libraries. Apart from file changes, and APIs, the new version is 64 bit whereas the old is 32 bit What's the best design and implementation effort to support two version of a ...
kroger9's user avatar
  • 25
1 vote
2 answers

Software Design: Decoupling when highly dependent on a third party library

As part of an university project I am currently working on an eeg-biosignal classifier. While the project itself doesn't really focus on design ("anything that works") I am trying to learn ...
J. Lo's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Using helper libraries to improve readability and conciseness of code vs adhering to native functions

currently in my place of work I'm headbutting with some coworkers from other teams (but same repo), since they are in a line of thinking where they prefer this: const connectionList = Object.values(...
elios264's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How do I handle malformed compressed input data, which crashes external library?

I have a java application, which recieves compressed files as input. The application then reads the header information of said files and passes the compressed bytes to an external native library for ...
MPIchael's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

development environment for C++ GUI applications

I am currently developing some C++ GUI application using wxWidgets (although the GUI framework doesn't really matter here) and thus far have been developing this on my own, which was working well. ...
tom's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to detect if the guest user on web page has opened my mobile application to enhance his user xp [closed]

I have a website and mobile applications Android & IOS, all platforms are connected to the same database, what we are trying to do is to enhance the user experience by showing him specific ...
Hossam Hassan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Best practice for storing third party tools

Currently my company is storing the installers (and in some cases the installed directory copy) for some open source third party tools that our build uses. Were storing these files in our github repo ...
Slack Groverglow's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Use of internal interface around paid APIs

Note: I'm new to using paid APIs (like Stripe, GPT-3, Twilio, ...). When you are using a paid 3rd-party API, you are essentially betting on them keeping reasonable prices in the future, right? So in ...
Moritz Groß's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

Why do library developers deliberately break existing code?

Today, I updated ZBateson\MailMimeParser the PHP e-mail parser library from 1.x to 2.x. Soon enough, my PHP error log started filling up with errors. Noting where it happened, I found out that it had ...
user16508174's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

DDD: Viable approaches to integrating with external systems (Adapters, ACLs, Bounded Contexts)

Our team have been debating approaches to integrating external or third party systems when using DDD. The literature is extensive, but sometimes contradictory. Just like a UL helps us better ...
Steven's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Should you use popular(e.g. OpenCV,boost, Eigen, Tensorflow) types on your interfaces?

Suppose you are writing a software where there is a popular existing library that does not have all the algorithms/features you want but provides some "vocabulary" (equivalents of std::vector/std::...
NoSenseEtAl's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Wrapping 3rd party library - avoiding leaking abstraction

I'm currently developing an application using SFML. My biggest concern at the moment is making a layer of abstraction over the library, so I can easily change it to something else if needed. What I'm ...
mdx's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to avoid messy code when working with different libraries

I'm planning to work with different libraries that use different conventions. One uses snake_case, another one uses camelCase. This leads to code that looks like I can't make up my mind: Some_Result ...
infinitezero's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should we include the entire sources of the libraries used in our project?

I'm used to using static link libraries in my projects. This doesn't make the solution heavier and allows to be updated more easily. However, I see some GitHub repos providing in their sources the ...
Foxy's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to handle third-party licenses of indirectly used packages [closed]

We develop an application using npm with several third-party packages. Now we want to release our app to the public. That we have to reference the licenses of the packages should be self-evident. But ...
Sumafu's user avatar
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54 votes
5 answers

How to deal with fear of taking dependencies

The team I'm in creates components that can be used by the company's partners to integrate with our platform. As such, I agree we should take extreme care when introducing (third-party) dependencies. ...
robinwit's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Common methods for swapping out a library

I am trying to come up with a solution to replace joda-time with java 8 time in our product. The code-base encompasses many projects of which some import joda-time directly and some transitively. To ...
Kratt's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Should you "rebrand" the exception of the library you're using?

Say your making a library Foo that depends on a 3rd-party library Bar. Bar throws a custom exception \OtherVendor\Bar\CustomException. Is it recommended to just throw that exact exception to your ...
IMB's user avatar
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3 votes
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Bringing a large, complex legacy project under git control

I'm a newbie with respect to git, but not to version control in general — I've been using CVS and Subversion for years. I've read both the Progit and O'Reilly (Version Control with Git) books, ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Versioning hardware vendor SDK with git

We have n C projects which reference 4 different versions of a device SDK - 12.3, 13.1, 15.0, and 15.2. There is no public upstream repo for the SDK - it is released as a zip file. We need to patch ...
Iiridayn's user avatar
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1 answer

Logic circuit simulation: homebrew or third party solution?

Software I'm working on requires simulation of logic circuits, both combination and sequential. Now the simulation doesn't need to be too detailed, in fact it could be detrimental to the function of ...
user1561358's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adapting third party conversions

I have a couple of pieces of functionality that are similar but not quite the same. They both involve converting a type that I own to other types that are owned by a third party library, so out of my ...
Serberuss's user avatar
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Encrypted ID to 3rd party application

I would like to ask you a questions that arose these days with GDPR new rules. What I have is a payments service which use BrainTree to make the payments. In my side I store some information ...
pik4's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do open source libraries like Apache Commons fit into the microservices architecture?

I'm reading about microservices, and one point I come across repeatedly, is, in order to achieve full indepencency, it's a bad idea to share libraries among microservices. Examples are here and here. ...
MC Emperor's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

What is the correct way of adding third-party code into a C or C++ project?

I want to incorporate some open source libraries into my C project. This is the first time I do that, so I don't know what is the right or most common way of doing it. I see two possible paths I can ...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Why are developers still using proprietary third-party libraries? [closed]

As the open source world is fairly advanced now and you can find an open source implementation of pretty much everything, why are people/developers still using the obscure/proprietary libraries? In ...
Nurrl's user avatar
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Need to call private method in third party library. Copy all class or use reflection?

I need to call a method that is available in a third party library, but it is a private method. There is no direct or indirect way to obtain the same functionality via public methods available. I ...
h22's user avatar
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2 answers

What are common/best practices for frameworks handling standard third-party exceptions?

Amongst other things in my life, I'm writing a framework in PHP to manage a slew of common problems I come up against in every project I tackle. The framework is currently very data-centric, with the ...
e_i_pi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What to do when third party won't fix bug [closed]

I've reported to a third party what I consider a very serious performance bug in a widely used product. Older versions worked fine. Newer versions are practically unusable except for what I consider ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How can I painlessly upgrade my team's codebase to Visual Studio 2017?

So our team has products that currently runs on Visual Studio 2013. Now we want to move to Visual Studio 2017. So I've been assigned the task to make the transition to Visual Studio 2017 as painless ...
Lester Dela Cruz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Put source code for dependencies within the project itself

I have a project that depends on external libraries that can be installed through a package manager (pip in this case). But I do not expect my users to have knowledge of installing these dependencies ...
Saiful Khan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Third party dependencies management

I'm looking for a strategy to manage my third party dependencies. I don't mean package managers and vendor techs, I mean a process of making decisions about to add a third party lib or to write ...
I159's user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

PM opting for an overly-complex setup which nobody has experience with [closed]

Recently I started a project which didn't seem too hard to make, the concept was a fairly simple application that had to accept input every now and then (maybe 10x a day), and try to perform some ...
DeleteLater's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How should I access a third party API which requires a key?

I am accessing a third-party API. It requires a key, which is the same key for all of my users. Currently, my application includes that key in the client-side code, and calls the third party API ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

If there are two ways of approaching a task, how should one choose between them?

I have a specific use case, and have found 3 ways of doing it across the internet, which are defined for vague usage cases. I am staring at these three wondering which to apply. I tend to sit there ...
tomhepz's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Best practices for when a 3rd party dependency breaks?

I am working in a php project, and our 3rd party dependencies are managed with packagist via composer.json. Pretty standard stuff. Sometimes we run into a situation where a given plugin has some issue,...
chiliNUT's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Three.js Screen Tear

Using Three.js Revision 51 (Yes I know the latest is 84) I am getting a screen tear at random times on the load of my page. It seems like it's 50% whether it's a hard refresh or a fresh load of the ...
Cory Evans's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do you use external libraries in git?

SFML, in this case, has a Git repo and a download page. Until now I have always downloaded from the download page, which came (at least for the compiler I use) with .a and .hpp files and could easily ...
Post Self's user avatar
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5 votes
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Framework logs on client application

We are currently building a framework (closed source static library) that will communicate with some Smart home devices via Wi-Fi. This framework will be used by 3rd party developer to build their own ...
CHey's user avatar
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Should you include libraries and code-unrelated files in your git project and upload them to Github?

When you are working with an external library in git, should you add it to Git or should it be in gitignore? If you put it in gitignore, you run into the problem that if someone (or you yourself on ...
Post Self's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Best approach to learn OpenCV to use with Swift? [closed]

I am trying to figure out how to use OpenCV with XCode's Swift. I need to do realtime video processing for the project I am working on, but I can't seem to find any good references on learning OpenCV ...
BillTheMagnificient's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

How can I reduce the manual effort for wrapping third party libraries with a larger object model?

Like the author of this question from 2012 and this one from 2013, I have a 3rd party library that I need to wrap in order to properly test my application. The top answer states: You always want to ...
Tom Wright's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should third-party types be exposed in a public API?

tl;dr: Should I avoid exposing third-party types in a public interface? I'm working on a Kotlin-based project that relies heavily on data keyed with two values. It's just something I'm tinkering ...
Caleb Brinkman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it a bad practice to subscribe to an event with an Action

I use a third party library for speech recognition. This library give me access to some classes ( SpeechRecognitionEngine, SpeechRecognitionConfiguration etc) which give me access to some events (...
yan yankelevich's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can a library/plugin be based on other, common, libraries in that language?

Using JS as an example here, if I am creating a library/plugin, and intend to make it available to others, should I keep it in Javascript? Or would jQuery be an acceptable dependency? At what point ...
amflare's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to VCS a large-scale, “atomic” refactoring?

When migrating a project from one heavily-used library X to another library Y which is essentially equivalent but doesn't have the same API, it may be necessary to make a lot of changes. In the case I'...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What should I use for @Nullable if I used the lombok @NonNull?

I am using the lombok @NonNull annotation for some of my fields, parameters and methods, partly for null checking, and also partly for documentation purpose. It is then confusing if I added a @NonNull/...
SOFe's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

What is my problem with third party tools and tools suggested by coworkers or friends? [closed]

I am a 4+ years experienced C#, ASP.NET MVC5, Flex, Actionscript, Html, css, jquery, php developer. I have a passion for developing and I'm not scared about learning new things. In fact I read ...
Wasted's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How can a programmer know whether he has to program a method or search for it in a library? [closed]

I am a beginner programming in Java. And when confronted with a new task I wonder whether I should code the function or search for it. For example, if I want to calculate 10!, or cos A, I reckon that ...
Pierre B's user avatar
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