Java References and C pointers differ in exactly two points:

1. There's no pointer-arithmetic for the former.
2. And you cannot create a Java reference to whatever you want, you can only copy those saved somewhere accessible (static fields, fields of objects, local variables) or returned by function-invocations (like constructor-calls), which thus all refer to Java objects (never to basic types like references, `char`, `int` and so on).

Someone wrote that References are strongly typed, because you cannot force the compiler to treat an `int*` as a `char*`.  
Completely aside from the fact that that *particular* conversion is actually *safe*, there is no polymorphism in C, so that comparison is a non-starter.  
Certainly, Java is more strongly-typed than C, not that that's a feature of C pointers vs Java references, you need to use the JNI to break type-safety (aside from disregarding generic restrictions), but even in C you have to *force* the compiler.

Someone wrote that Java references might be implemented as C pointers, to which I say *sure, as they are strictly less powerful, on 32Bit machines they typically are, if the JVM is implemented in C*. Though on 64Bit machines, they are normally [compressed ordinary-object-pointers]( ("compressed OOPs") to save space and bandwidth.  
Anyway, those C pointers need not be equivalent to hardware addresses either, even if they typically (>99% of implementations) are for performance reasons.  
Finally, that's an implementation detail which is not exposed to the programmer.