How can I make DRY (lacks repetitive patterns) code that also avoids inefficiencies from using intermediate values in a calculation that might not need to be used?

Here is an example:

In this code, I am using an octree to store a region of 32x32x32 voxels, and I need a function to get and set any given one of the voxels. The get function involves descending the tree until a leaf node is encountered.

The set function involves doing the same, except an array of all previous offsets are recorded.
typedef struct Octree {
	Ptr data; // Definition of Ptr and Node8 are not relevant to this question
	uint8_t data_alloc, set_alloc;
	uint16_t data_size, set_size, base;
	Node8 set[];
} Octree;
static uint_fast8_t octree_index(const uint_fast8_t x, const uint_fast8_t z, const uint_fast8_t y, const uint_fast8_t level) {
	return (x>>level&1)|(z>>level&1)<<1|(y>>level&1)<<2;
uint16_t octree_set(Octree *octree, const uint_fast8_t x, const uint_fast8_t z, const uint_fast8_t y) { // Gets the value at a certain position in the octree
	uint_fast16_t set = 0;
	uint_fast8_t level = 5;
	uint16_t node = octree->base;
	while (node&0x8000 && level--)
		node = ((uint16_t *)octree->set)[(set += node&0x7FFF)<<3|octree_index(x, y, z, level)];
	return node;
Octree *octree_set(Octree *octree, const uint_fast8_t x, const uint_fast8_t z, const uint_fast8_t y, const uint16_t new) { // Gets the value at a certain position in the octree
	uint_fast16_t set = 0, stack[5]; // Note the new `stack` variable
	uint_fast8_t level = 5;
	uint16_t node = octree->base;
	while (node&0x8000 && level--)
		node = ((uint16_t *)octree->set)[stack[level] = (set += node&0x7FFF)<<3|octree_index(x, y, z, level)];
		// The only difference in the above line is the `stack[level] = ` before `(set += ...`
	if (node != new) {
		if (level) {
			// Subdivide and insert
		} else {
			// Set and merge if necessary
The above code is repetitive, but more *'efficient'* since the `octree_get` function does not save the intermediate values that do not need to be saved. A less repetitive, but less *'efficient'* way is to use:
typedef struct Stack {
	uint16_t node;
	uint_fast8_t level;
	uint_fast16_t offset[5];
} Stack;
Stack octree_get(Octree *octree, const uint_fast8_t x, const uint_fast8_t z, const uint_fast8_t y) {
	uint_fast16_t set = 0;
	Stack stack = {octree->base, 5};
	while (stack.node&0x8000 && stack.level--)
		stack.node = ((uint16_t *)octree->set)[stack.offset[stack.level] = (set += stack.node&0x7FFF)<<3|octree_index(x, y, z, stack.level)];
	return stack;
} // Returning a struct in and of itself may or may not be optimal but that is arguably a separate question
Octree *octree_set(Octree *octree, const uint_fast8_t x, const uint_fast8_t z, const uint_fast8_t y, const uint16_t new) {
	Stack stack = octree_get(octree, x, y, z);
	if (stack.node != new) {
		if (stack.level) {
			// Subdivide and insert
		} else {
			// Set and merge if necessary
In the above solution, the traversal code is not duplicated, but getting a value saves said stack of values, even if not needed later. **Keep in mind that this is just an example, but my question involves any variation of such problems where there is a complex calculation and one or more intermediate values may or may not be needed at a later point.**

Does anyone know the most efficient way (perhaps eliminating the unnecessary array creation and stores) of doing this while still not duplicating the code? I have thought long and hard about this, and this seems to be a space/time tradeoff. Can someone prove me wrong and find a way that is both non-repetitive as in the second example, but as *'efficient'* as the first example?