Basically, I develop websites, some large with many crud operations, etc...

However I've gotten into the habit of storing every re-usable variable as a constant in my PHP applications

I currently have 44 constants defined in one application.

These range from:

    <li>Database config</li>
    <li>Home page for admin and guest</li>
    <li>url slug names</li>
    <li>declaring development mode</li>
    <li>declaring maintenance mode</li>
    <li>a few directory shortcuts ( instead of writing /admin/temaplates/images ill use a CONST ADM_IMAGES )</li>
    <li>session variable names</li>
    <li>cookie variable names</li>
    <li>random things like MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, THUMB SIZE and MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS</li>

I don't have any problems using all these consts... It's kind of helpful having all these in my application.

I just wanted to know if its a 'good practise' to use LOTS of consts.

If not, how else could these variables be encapsulated to be useful AND easy enough to reach in my application?