Different blocks have different meanings: by using the ones which are commonly used for a specific purpose, you make your code easier to read and maintain. By using the ones which are not commonly used for the purpose, **you force readers of your code to stop and think why you've used this construct instead of the commonly used one**.

While semantically correct, `for (x = 0; !done; x++)` is not something usual. `while` or `do...while` are used in situations where you need to break from a loop when a condition is met:

    x = 0;
    do {
        ... something involving 'x', that might end early.
    while (x <= max)

(assuming that `max` can change within the loop; otherwise, you can simply do `for (x = 0; x <= max; x++)`)

Being **concise** is important too. **Less code means less risk of errors.** For example, your `while`-based code is unnecessarily complicated. For example, `(!(x < max))` takes time to understand and may be source of an error. The `if` block within the `while` adds complexity too. You also add a variable which transcends the `while` block and which can be simply removed.


> I prefer the first one, mainly because I dislike breaking out of loops

That is your personal opinion which is valuable when you're working on a personal project which will never be shared with anybody. As soon as you think that the code may be open sourced (and actually read and used by others) or your work in a team, what you prefer may go against:

 - Your team habits. If in a team of 6 persons, 5 are using a construct and you are using a different construct, for the sake of consistency, do use the one your teammates use, including if yours looks clearly superior (unless of course you can convince your teammates at the beginning of the project that your's is better).

 - Community usages. Different communities use different styles, which leads to discrepancies between languages. For example:

        if (something) {

   in JavaScript should be written:

        if (something)

   in C#. Sticking to community usages makes it easier for the people outside your project to read your code (for example if you post a piece of code on Stack Overflow) or for you to read code from other projects.

 - Official style and style checkers. You may disagree with the choice the authors of the style guide made, but the fact is, consistency is more important.

   For example, I find a few rules of PSR-2 quite weird. For example:

        function hello()
        {                      // Newline here.
            if (something) {   // No newline here.

   Still, I'll rather use this style than create my own and find myself inconsistent with thousands of PHP programmers.