I'm looking for an algorithm that gives me the n nodes that are the farthest away from each other.

Can this be accomplished relatively efficiently?

**To clarify my question:**
I think of the problem as a variant of the opposite of the travelling salesman problem. We have this graph:


The [distance matrix](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_matrix) looks like this:

    	a	b	c	d	e	f
    a	0	184	222	177	216	231
    b	184	0	45	123	128	200
    c	222	45	0	129	121	203
    d	177	123	129	0	46	83
    e	216	128	121	46	0	83
    f	231	200	203	83	83	0

For example, the salesman needs to visit any 4 nodes shown above, and be on the road as long as possible. Which nodes would he visit?

My guess is we're looking for the 4 nodes with the maximum average distance between them. Is there a reasonably efficient, preferably non-exponential, way to do this? What if I don't need an exact solution to the problem?