Here are my points: 1. There is a difference between having only *one instance* of the object in the entire application vs. an object becoming singleton so that any one calling `new()` will magically find `theInstance`. 2. In your case, there is no benefit of having server being singleton because no one is *creating* server other than `main()`. It's just plain simple to have it as ordinary object. Even if it is singleton, it will be called only once! 3. `Parser` should *never* be singleton either for a different reason here. If i understood correctly, `parser`'s only role is when `core` is launched; Ideally it should follow `use-and-throw` oattern rather than `singleton` 4. Even `parser` continues to serve some specific queries till core wants it, by design `parser` should be one instance per `core` because same instance of `parser` should never share information about various different `core`s. It makes `parser` dedicated per core. 5. Most people design `logger` as a singleton. It is not really much big deal, however, if you are a multi-threaded system a singleton logger is a big villien. First off, every singleton needs to be threadsafe. Suppose even if you make it thread safe, every time a `thread x` calls logger it is busy doing `printf` for `thread y` so as a result `thread x` waits where as ideally you should be worrying about getting the maximum out of your quad-Core system and serve as many request as possible. 6. Ideally only genuine case where `logger` should be centralized or singleton is where exact order of events must be registered one-by-one. For most purposes, different files and messages with its own time stamps are usually better even for debug as well. So for me `Server` (which is one instance) is created by `main()` and `core`, `parser` and `logger` are a tuple borns and dies on per request (always together). Each tuple doesn't know the state or existence of other such tuple and that is good so that arbitrary number of threads can be instantiated in parallel, (one thread per tuple) without loosing scalability but preserving loose coupling. Only thing is - it means you are not using *any* design pattern! But that's not a bad thing. It is *not* necessary that including a design pattern makes your design necessarily better. Remember: > There are really rare reasons where using singleton becomes must; > everywhere else, using singleton is always an invitation to problems.