Today I was presented with a very nasty problem and I do not quite know where to ask this but hope here is ok. So I have the following string: `"\0"` (at least that's how it looks in visual studio). If you open the same file in notepad++ it looks like this: `"\0SOH"`. so yes, I have reached a point where I need to check a string which has non printable characters. The problem is the string I am comparing against are hardcoded and would come to look like this: switch (s) { case "\0\0": Console.WriteLine("Crypto method 00"); break; case "\0": Console.WriteLine("Crypto method 01"); break; case "\0": Console.WriteLine("Crypto method 02"); break; case "\0": Console.WriteLine("Crypto method 03"); break; default: Console.WriteLine(s); break; } [complete example code can be found on pastbin for the next month][1] But **the code is not important**, this, the display of this code, it is horrible and that's the problem. I cannot possibly commit something like this because no one will know what is happening. Of course I could add comments so my co-workers will know what's going on but to me that does not seem like the proper solution. so **my question** what is the proper solution to create understandable code in this situation? *Do I ask my co-workers to rewrite their code to make it work with byte arrays? Do I simply keep it this way?* A way to resolve this in code would be: `ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(new byte[]{0, 1});` but this 'hack' does not really make it more understandable. To clarify, I am **not looking for a code fix**, I can think of several (such as mentioned above) I am looking for advice on how to handle this or perhaps a way to make sure the (for example Visual studio) editor will distinguish between them. ---------- **Some extra context**<br> A piece of old code handling the TCP connection receives the data (like it should) and then returns a string, it uses ASCII encode to create a string from the received byte[]. We have now gotten to a point where higher on we need to set/read a few status bytes which, because of the way we get messages from the TCP layer result in unreadable strings. It is possible to rewrite the TCP to only send byte[] arrays but this is going to take up more time than anyone is willing to put in. [1]: