> I guess I'm asking if this is something I really should avoid doing

No, you don't need to avoid doing this -- a [URI][1] is an identifier; clients and intermediate components should not be trying to extract any semantic information from them (think "surrogate key" in a database).

Mark Seemann writes about [avoiding hackable urls][2].

Pay attention to the replies, especially Dan Kubb's suggestion to use HMAC with a server side secret to distinguish server generated identifiers from others without sacrificing readability.  It may be an easier fit for your use case than hashing/encrypting the entire target-uri.

There are also some edge cases you need to consider - like what you do with a URI template? Or (equivalently) a GET form in HTML?

That said, you might want to consider carefully whether opaque URI are really going to give you a competitive advantage in your domain?  Is the time you are going to invest in bespoke request routing going to be paid back somewhere?

  [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
  [2]: https://blog.ploeh.dk/2013/05/01/rest-lesson-learned-avoid-hackable-urls/