I am refactoring a huge legacy code class.  Refactoring (I presume) advocates this:

 1. write tests for the legacy class
 2. refactor the heck out of the class

Problem:  once I refactor the class, my tests in step 1 will need to be changed.  For example, what once was in a legacy method, now may be a separate class instead.  What was one method may be now several methods.  The entire landscape of the legacy class may be obliterated into something new, and so the tests I write in step 1 will almost be null and void.
In essence I will be adding *Step 3. rewrite my tests profusely*

What is the purpose then to write tests before refactor?  It sounds more like an academic exercise of creating more work for myself.  I am writing tests for the method now and I am learning more about how to test things and how the legacy method works.  One can learn this by just reading the legacy code itself, but writing tests is almost like rubbing my nose in it, and also documenting this temporary knowledge in separate tests.  So this way I almost have no choice but to learn what the code is doing.  I said temporary here, because I will refactor the heck out of the code and all my documentation and tests will be null and void for a significant part, except my knowledge will stay and allow me to be fresher on the refactoring.

Is that the real reason to write tests before refactor - to help me understand the code better?  There's got to be another reason!

Please explain!


There is this post: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/227893/does-it-make-sense-to-write-tests-for-legacy-code-when-there-is-no-time-for-a-co but it say "write tests before refactor", but doesn't say "why", or what to do if "writing tests" seems like "busy work that will be destroyed soon"