One thing I like to do with my code is make sure that it's refactored into manageable pieces. However, when it comes to building the software, I find that whatever build automation software I end up using (lately it's been GNU Make or SCons) ends up becoming a complete mess. The input files look like long scripts that seem to defy easy refactoring. I'd like to be able to refactor them in some way, but the concept of "function" doesn't quite behave the same way in some build automation software as it does in a programming language, so I find it difficult to write manageable Makefiles or SConscript files for any projects that are moderately complicated. Does anyone have any advice on writing manageable input files for build automation software? Software-agnostic advice would be best, but even advice about a specific build automation tool would be helpful, particularly Make or SCons, since that's what I've been using for projects. **Edit:** As Thorbjørn has pointed out, I should add some context and usage examples. I'm finishing up my PhD in chemical engineering and I do research in computational science. (I'm a pro tem mod over at SciComp.SE, for those of you who visit.) My projects typically involve a mix of compiled languages (C, C++, Fortran) that do some of the heavy lifting, scripting languages (Python, Perl) for prototyping, and occasionally, domain-specific languages for prototyping or technical purposes. I've added two examples below, roughly in the 250-line range. The problem for me is generally a lack of modularity. Some of these projects can be organized into modular units, and it'd be nice to abstract the parts of the build along those lines to make it easier for me and future maintainers to keep track of. Breaking each script up into multiple files has been one solution I've been toying around with in my head. The second example is particularly important, because I'm going to have to a large number of files to it soon. Here's what a 265-line `Makefile` might look like for me, taken from an actual project, and organized as best I can: <!-- language: lang-sh --> #!/usr/bin/make #Directory containing DAEPACK library folder daepack_root = . library = $(daepack_root)/lib wrappers = $(daepack_root)/Wrappers/DSL48S c_headers = parser.h problemSizes.h f77_headers=problemSizes.f commonParam.f f90_headers=problemSizes.f commonParam.f90 includes = -I. -Iinclude -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 \ -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 \ -I/usr/include/libgdome -I/usr/include/gtest/ #Fortran 77 environment variables f77=gfortran fflags=-ggdb -cpp -fno-second-underscore --coverage -falign-commons \ -mcmodel=large -fbacktrace -pg flibs= #Fortran 90 environment variables f90=gfortran f90flags=-ggdb -cpp -fno-second-underscore --coverage -falign-commons \ -mcmodel=large -fbacktrace -pg f90libs= #C environment flags cc=gcc cflags=-ggdb --coverage $(includes) -mcmodel=large clibs= #Libraries for linking libs=-L$(library) -ldaepack_sparse -lblas -llapack -ldl -lg2c \ -lgdome -lxml2 -lgtest -lcunit -lcholmod -lamd -lcolamd -lccolamd \ -lmetis -lspqr -lm -lblas -llapack -lstdc++ -lpcre #Object files objs=main.o $(dsl48sObjs) $(gdxObjs) gdxObjs = gdxf9def.o gdxf9glu.o gamsglobals_mod.o cklib.o parser.o $(gdxObjs) originalModelObjs=originalModel.o dsl48sChemkinModule.o $(commonObjs) cspSlowModelObjs=cspSlowModel.o dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.o cspModule.o \ $(commonObjs) orthoProjModelObjs=orthoProjModel.o dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.o \ orthoProjModule.o basisModule.o spqrUtility.o $(commonObjs) #Shell environment variable definitions for FUnit FCFLAGS := $(f90flags) LDFLAGS := cklib.o gdxf9glu.o parser.o spqrUtility.o \ $(libs) misc=*table *size.f output=*.out #Ftncheck flags for static analysis of Fortran 77 code ftnchekflags= -declare -include=. -library -style=block-if,distinct-do,do-enddo,end-name,goto,labeled-stmt,structured-end all: ckinterp.exe parserTest.exe originalModel.exe cspSlowModel.exe \ orthoProjModel.exe spqrUtilityTest.exe #Check code style with lexical analyzer @echo Checking program style... ftnchek $(ftnchekflags) rhs.f ftnchek $(ftnchekflags) resorig.f ftnchek $(ftnchekflags) res.f # ftnchek $(ftnchekflags) cklib.f # ftnchek $(ftnchekflags) ckinterp.f #Set up baseline coverage data file @echo Set up baseline coverage data file lcov -c -i -d . -o #Run unit test on cspModule.f90 @echo Running unit tests on cspModule.f90... funit cspModule #Generate test coverage data for cspModule.f90 @echo Generating test coverage data from cspModule.f90 tests... lcov -c -d . -o #Run unit test on orthoProjModule.f90 @echo Running unit tests on orthoProjModule.f90... funit orthoProjModule #Generate test coverage data for orthoProjModule.f90 @echo Generating test coverage data from orthoProjModule.f90 tests... lcov -c -d . -o #Run unit tests on the parser C library @echo Running unit tests on parser in C... -G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind -v --tool=memcheck \ --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high \ --num-callers=20 --log-file=parserTest.vgdump \ ./parserTest.exe > parserTest.log #Generate test coverage data for the parser wrapper C library @echo Generating test coverage data for the parser in C... lcov -c -d . -o #Run unit tests on the SparseQR C library @echo Running unit tests on SparseQR library in C... ./spqrUtilityTest.exe #Generate test coverage data for the SparseQR C library @echo Generating test coverage data for the SparseQR C library... lcov -c -d . -o #Run unit test on basisModule.f90 @echo Running unit tests on basisModule.f90... funit basisModule #Generate test coverage data for basisModule.f90 @echo Generating test coverage data from basisModule.f90 tests... lcov -c -d . -o #Combine test coverage data @echo Combine baseline and test coverage data... lcov -a \ -a \ -a \ -a \ -a \ -a \ -o #Post-process to remove coverage statistics from automatically #generated source code. @echo Removing coverage statistics for automatically generated source... lcov -r basisModule_fun.f90 \ ckinterp.f cklib.f cspModule_fun.f90 davisSkodjeAd.f90 \ davisSkodjeJac.f90 davisSkodjeRes.f90 davisSkodjeRhs.f90 \ davisSkodjeSp.f90 gdxf9def.f90 gdxf9glu.c orthoProjModule_fun.f90 \ jac.f jacorig.f resad.f resadp.f resorigad.f resorigadp.f ressp.f \ resorigsp.f senrhs.f senrhsorig.f TestRunner.f90 \ -o #Generate HTML report of coverage data @echo Generate HTML report of coverage data... genhtml @echo Open "index.html" in browser for coverage results! originalModel.exe: $(originalModelObjs) $(f90_headers) $(f77_headers) \ $(c_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -o originalModel.exe $(originalModelObjs) $(libs) originalModel.o: dsl48sChemkinModule.o $(commonObjs) $(f77_headers) \ $(f90_headers) $(c_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o originalModel.o originalModel.f90 cspSlowModel.exe: $(cspSlowModelObjs) $(f90_headers) $(f77_headers) \ $(c_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -o cspSlowModel.exe $(cspSlowModelObjs) $(libs) cspSlowModel.o: dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.o cspModule.o $(commonObjs) \ $(c_headers) $(f77_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o cspSlowModel.o cspSlowModel.f90 orthoProjModel.exe: $(orthoProjModelObjs) $(f90_headers) $(f77_headers) \ $(c_headers) resOrthoFast.o $(f90) $(f90flags) -o orthoProjModel.exe $(orthoProjModelObjs) \ resOrthoFast.o $(libs) orthoProjModel.o: dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.o orthoProjModule.o $(commonObjs) \ $(c_headers) $(f90_headers) $(f77_headers) resOrthoFast.o basisModule.o $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o orthoProjModel.o orthoProjModel.f90 dsl48sChemkinModule.o: dsl48sChemkinModule.f90 cklib.o problemSizes.h \ parser.o $(c_headers) $(f90_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o dsl48sChemkinModule.o dsl48sChemkinModule.f90 dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.o: dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.f90 cspModule.o cklib.o \ problemSizes.h parser.o $(c_headers) $(f90_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.o \ dsl48sChemkinModuleSlow.f90 dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.o: dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.f90 \ orthoProjModule.o basisModule.o cklib.o problemSizes.h \ parser.o $(c_headers) $(f90_headers) $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.o \ dsl48sChemkinModuleOrthoProj.f90 basisModule.o: basisModule.f90 cklib.o spqrUtility.o commonParam.f90 $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o basisModule.o basisModule.f90 spqrUtility.o: spqrUtility.h spqrUtility.c $(cc) $(cflags) -c -o spqrUtility.o spqrUtility.c spqrUtilityTest.exe: spqrUtilityTest.o spqrUtility.o $(cc) $(cflags) -o spqrUtilityTest.exe spqrUtilityTest.o \ spqrUtility.o $(libs) spqrUtilityTest.o: spqrUtilityTest.c spqrUtility.o $(cc) $(cflags) -c -o spqrUtilityTest.o spqrUtilityTest.c cklib.o: cklib.f ckstrt.f $(f77) $(fflags) -c -o cklib.o cklib.f ckinterp.exe: ckinterp.o $(f77) $(fflags) -o ckinterp.exe ckinterp.o ckinterp.o: ckinterp.f $(f77) $(fflags) -c -o ckinterp.o ckinterp.f #Recursive makefile inherited from previous graduate students $(f77_headers) cklibDAEPACK.f cp $(wrappers)/makefile make -f resOrthoFast.o: $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o resOrthoFast.o resOrthoFast.f90 problemSizes.f: problemSizes.fpp problemSizes.h cpp problemSizes.fpp problemSizes.f perl -p -i.bak -we 's/# /! /;' problemSizes.f commonParam.f90: commonParam.f perl -p -i.bak -we 's/^#/!/;' commonParam.f echo "commonParam t f t fpp" | pref77tof90 echo "commonParam /" | f77tof90 perl -p -i.bak -we 's/integer a/!integer a/;' commonParam.f perl -p -i.bak -we 's/END //;' commonParam.f90 commonParam.f: commonParam.fpp problemSizes.h cpp commonParam.fpp commonParam.f perl -p -i.bak -we 's/^#/!/;' commonParam.f cspModule.o: cspModule.f90 $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o cspModule.o cspModule.f90 orthoProjModule.o: gamsglobals_mod.o gdxf9def.o gdxf9glu.o orthoProjModule.f90 \ formatLabels.f90 $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o orthoProjModule.o orthoProjModule.f90 gdxf9def.o: gdxf9def.f90 $(f90) $(f90flags) -c -o gdxf9def.o gdxf9def.f90 gdxf9glu.o: gdxf9glu.c gdxf9def.o #64-bit version of wrappers (with underscores) $(cc) $(cflags) -DCIA_LEX -DAPIWRAP_LCASE_DECOR -c -o \ gdxf9glu.o gdxf9glu.c #64-bit version of wrappers (without underscores, for C interoperability) # $(cc) $(cflags) -DCIA_LEX -DAPIWRAP_LCASE_NODECOR -c gdxf9glu.c #32-bit version of wrappers # $(cc) $(cflags) -DAPIWRAP_LCASE_DECOR -c gdxf9glu.c -Iinclude gamsglobals_mod.o: gamsglobals_mod.f90 gdxf9def.o gdxf9glu.o $(f90) $(f90flags) -c gamsglobals_mod.f90 parser.o: parser.c $(c_headers) $(cc) $(cflags) -c -o parser.o parser.c parserTest.exe: parserTest.o parser.o $(cc) $(cflags) -o parserTest.exe parser.o \ parserTest.o $(libs) parserTest.o: parserTest.cpp parser.o $(cc) $(cflags) -c -o parserTest.o parserTest.cpp clean: -rm *.bak -rm *.f77 -rm *.log -rm commonParam.f90 -rm problemSizes.f -rm commonParam.f -make clean -f -rm -rm *.o -rm *.mod -rm $(misc) -rm *.exe -funit --clean -rm *.gcno -rm *.gcda -rm *.info -rm *.png -rm *.html -rm *.css -rm -rf html -rm *.pyc -rm *.lst Here's a 245-line `SConstruct` file that I'm currently trying to organize for a project that's roughly as complex: <!-- language: lang-py --> ## \file SConstruct # \brief Compiles the library and compiles tests. # import SCons ## \brief Build up directory names of each COIN library from package names # and versions. # ## Overall SCons environment # env = Environment(); flags = [] ## Compile using debug versions? # debug = True debugString = '-debug' debugFlags = ['-ggdb'] dynamicLinkFlag = '-Wl,-rpath,' if debug: flags += debugFlags ## Compile Google Test from scratch. # GTestVersion = '1.6.0' GTestStem = 'gtest-' + GTestVersion GTestBuildIncDir = [GTestStem, GTestStem + '/include', ] GTestAllLib = env.Library('lib/libgtest.a', 'gtest-1.6.0/src/', CPPPATH = GTestBuildIncDir, CXXFLAGS = flags) GTestMainLib = env.Library('lib/libgtest_main.a', 'gtest-1.6.0/src/', CPPPATH = GTestBuildIncDir, CXXFLAGS = flags) GTestIncDir = GTestStem + '/include/gtest' GTestLibDir = 'lib' GTestLibFlags = ['gtest', 'gtest_main', 'pthread'] ## Armadillo matrix library # ArmadilloLibFlags = ['armadillo']; ## Quick reminder of SCons flags: # CPPPATH = path of headers (include directories) # LIBPATH = path of libraries # LIBS = flags of libraries # CXXFLAGS = C++ compilation flags # ## Locations of libraries installed on system in standard locations # StdIncDir = '/usr/include' StdLibDir = '/usr/lib' ## Configuration information for COIN libraries # CoinUtilsVersion = '2.6.4' ClpVersion = '1.12.0' OsiVersion = '0.103.0' CbcVersion = '2.5.0' ## Some standard directory locations of COIN libraries, with slashes added for # for convenience. # CoinLibLocation = '/usr/local/COIN/' StdCoinIncDir = '/include/coin' StdCoinLibDir = '/lib' CoinUtilsStem = 'CoinUtils-' + CoinUtilsVersion ClpStem = 'Clp-' + ClpVersion OsiStem = 'Osi-' + OsiVersion CbcStem = 'Cbc-' + CbcVersion if debug: CoinUtilsStem += debugString CbcStem += debugString ClpStem += debugString OsiStem += debugString ## Build up include directory names for COIN projects from constituent parts. # CoinUtilsIncDir = CoinLibLocation + CoinUtilsStem + StdCoinIncDir ClpIncDir = CoinLibLocation + ClpStem + StdCoinIncDir OsiIncDir = CoinLibLocation + OsiStem + StdCoinIncDir CbcIncDir = CoinLibLocation + CbcStem + StdCoinIncDir ## Build up library names from COIN projects from constituent parts # CoinUtilsLibDir = CoinLibLocation + CoinUtilsStem + StdCoinLibDir ClpLibDir = CoinLibLocation + ClpStem + StdCoinLibDir OsiLibDir = CoinLibLocation + OsiStem + StdCoinLibDir CbcLibDir = CoinLibLocation + CbcStem + StdCoinLibDir ## CPLEX # CpxStem = '/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio_Academic123/cplex/' CpxIncDir = CpxStem + 'include/ilcplex' CpxLibDir = CpxStem + 'lib/x86-64_sles10_4.1/static_pic' ## Gurobi # GrbStem = '/opt/gurobi460/linux64/' GrbIncDir = GrbStem + 'include' GrbLibDir = GrbStem + 'lib' OsiLibFlags = ['Osi', 'CoinUtils'] ClpLibFlags = ['Clp', 'OsiClp'] CbcLibFlags = ['Cbc', 'Cgl'] OsiCpxLibFlags = ['OsiCpx'] OsiGrbLibFlags = ['OsiGrb'] CpxLibFlags = ['cplex', 'ilocplex', 'pthread', 'm'] GrbLibFlags = ['gurobi_c++', 'gurobi46', 'pthread', 'm'] milpIncDirs = [CoinUtilsIncDir, ClpIncDir, OsiIncDir, CbcIncDir, CpxIncDir, GrbIncDir, GTestIncDir, ] milpLibDirs = [CoinUtilsLibDir, ClpLibDir, OsiLibDir, CbcLibDir, CpxLibDir, GrbLibDir, GTestLibDir, ] milpLibFlags = [OsiCpxLibFlags, OsiGrbLibFlags, CbcLibFlags, ClpLibFlags, OsiLibFlags, CpxLibFlags, GrbLibFlags, GTestLibFlags, ] ##milpSolver = env.Object('milpSolver.cpp', ## CPPPATH = milpIncDirs, ## LIBPATH = milpLibDirs, ## CXXFLAGS = flags) milpSolverTest = env.Program('milpSolverUnitTest', ['milpSolverTest.cpp', 'milpSolver.cpp'], CPPPATH = milpIncDirs, LIBPATH = milpLibDirs, LIBS = milpLibFlags, CXXFLAGS = flags, LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,-rpath,' + OsiLibDir]) env.Depends(milpSolverTest, [GTestAllLib, GTestMainLib]) ## Chemkin source directories and files # ChemkinSourceDir = '/mnt/hgfs/DataFromOldLaptop/Data/ModelReductionResearch/Papers/AdaptiveChemistryPaper/AdaptiveChemistry/NonOpenSource/ChemkinII/'; ChemkinSourceList = ['cklib.f', 'pcmach.f','tranlib.f'] ChemkinSourceList = [ChemkinSourceDir + FileName for FileName in ChemkinSourceList] env.Depends('cklib.f','ckstrt.f') ## Cantera include directorie # CanteraStem = '/usr/local/cantera' if debug: CanteraStem += debugString CanteraIncDir = CanteraStem + '/include/cantera' CanteraLibDir = CanteraStem + '/lib' CanteraTestingFlags = ['kinetics', 'thermo', 'tpx', 'ctbase', 'm',] CanteraLibFlags = ['user', 'oneD', 'zeroD', 'equil', 'kinetics', 'transport', 'thermo', 'ctnumerics', 'ctmath', 'tpx', 'ctspectra', 'converters', 'ctbase', 'cvode', 'ctlapack', 'ctblas', 'ctf2c', 'ctcxx', 'ctf2c', 'm', 'm', 'stdc++'] CxxFortranFlags = ['g2c', 'gfortran']; chemSolverIncDir = [CanteraIncDir, StdIncDir, '/usr/local/include', GTestIncDir, ] chemSolverLibDir = [StdLibDir, CanteraLibDir, GTestLibDir, ] chemSolverLibFlags = [GTestLibFlags, CxxFortranFlags, CanteraLibFlags, ArmadilloLibFlags, ] chemSolverTest = env.Program('chemSolverUnitTest', ['chemSolverTest.cpp', 'chemSolver.cpp', 'ckwrapper.f90'] + ChemkinSourceList, CPPPATH = chemSolverIncDir, LIBPATH = chemSolverLibDir, LIBS = chemSolverLibFlags, CXXFLAGS = flags, FORTRANFLAGS = flags, F90FLAGS = flags) env.Depends(chemSolverTest, [GTestAllLib, GTestMainLib]) #env.AddPostAction(milpSolverTest, milpSolverTest[0].abspath) testAlias = env.Alias('test', [milpSolverTest, chemSolverTest]) AlwaysBuild(testAlias) ckInterp = env.Program('ckinterp', ChemkinSourceDir + 'ckinterp.f') canteraGTestLibFlags = CanteraTestingFlags + GTestLibFlags #canteraGTestLibFlags = ['kinetics', 'thermo', 'tpx', # 'ctbase', 'm', 'gtest', 'gtest_main', 'pthread'] canteraGTest = env.Program('canteraGTest', 'canteraGTest.cpp', CPPPATH = chemSolverIncDir, LIBPATH = chemSolverLibDir, LIBS = canteraGTestLibFlags, CXXFLAGS = flags) env.Depends(canteraGTest, [GTestAllLib, GTestMainLib]) canteraMemTestLibFlags = CanteraTestingFlags canteraMemTest = env.Program('canteraMemTest', 'canteraMemTest.cpp', CPPPATH = chemSolverIncDir, LIBPATH = chemSolverLibDir, LIBS = canteraMemTestLibFlags, CXXFLAGS = flags)