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4 votes

What are some use cases for creating child processes?

There are three broad reasons why we'd like to start another process: for interacting with a different program as an alternative to multithreading as a security boundary Programs do not exist in ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Licensing: Boost library distributed with my MIT-licensed code

1.Can I freely redistribute BOOST binaries in my GitHub repository? Yes, you can. The Boost software license reads (emphasis mine): Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or ...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 23.4k
1 vote

Implementing C++ n-ary tree with Boost Graph Library

How do I enforce the tree structure? Just like any other invariant you want to guarantee/enforce in your code - by writing code that doesn't break it. Wrap it in a class that guarantees the tree ...
Useless's user avatar
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What does it mean for an algorithm to be conservative?

The term conservative is rather ambiguous. I would not recommend to use it to describe the behavior of an algorithm, since it is not clear what conservation it is about. From the context, it appears ...
Christophe's user avatar
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Representation of time expanded graph

It's never too late to answer a question. This is how I did it, may help you guys. So, what is time-expanded graph and how we do it? Check this paper, not that sophisticated you thought. Assume we ...
Frank Wang's user avatar

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