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113 votes

Is cloud computing mainly just a marketing term?

The distinguishing feature of "cloud computing" is indeed the way that it is marketed, in particular, the way that it is priced. Another synonym for "cloud computing" that I ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
9 votes

Is cloud computing mainly just a marketing term?

The term “cloud” is indeed very broad and used to represent different realities: IaaS is “Infrastructure as a service”. This seems to be your current way to see the cloud: its about computing ...
Christophe's user avatar
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8 votes

what is a Cloud-Native application?

tl;dr As other answers have said, it's an application that is designed to run in the cloud and not just adapted later to shoehorn into the cloud. It's mainly a marketing term, not so meaningful in ...
joshp's user avatar
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8 votes

Multitenant app or separate instance for every customer

There are some trade-offs that you'll have to do: 1.Dedicated instances Advantages: No additional development needed nor conceptual work (less time and cost to market the product) Every ...
Christophe's user avatar
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6 votes

Server architecture for short bursts of ~150 parallel CPU-heavy subqueries

Since you are CPU-limited, you need to get your hands on 150 CPU cores, one for each thread. This rules out a single server, since a server of such proportions would be prohibitively expensive – and ...
amon's user avatar
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6 votes

How to organize projects in AWS?

AWS Organizations is the standard approach to managing a hierarchy of accounts. However, it does not allow billing to be consolidated at arbitrary points in the organization; it's a tree, not a graph. ...
guest's user avatar
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6 votes

Is a cloud / lambda function a microservice?

They are similar The Serverless function shares some of the same characteristics as a Microservice. Taking AWS Lambda as example. With the AWS Lambda setting, when a client sends request, it first ...
lennon310's user avatar
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4 votes

Multitenant app or separate instance for every customer

If you build the app to support multiple tenancy, then your future tech reps will have a choice about how to deploy it. If you find a customer who insists on a single-tenant instance, you will be ...
O. Jones's user avatar
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4 votes

Is WSDL still used?

A wsdl is just a contract saying this is how you can call this service. Of course you also have (Json) webapi endpoints that don't have a formal description these days (and you could with odata you ...
Batavia's user avatar
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4 votes

Is cloud computing mainly just a marketing term?

Cloud Computing in a marketing term from an angle and not just a marketing term from another angle. End User Perspective: For the end users it doesn't matter if you run your work loads in cloud or on ...
Nachiappan Kumarappan's user avatar
3 votes

Is cloud storage such as Dropbox SaaS, PaaS, IaaS or something else entirely?

The real answer is that it doesn't matter. No one is going to ding you for calling Dropbox a "Platform" or a "Service". SaaS or PaaS are both fine. I would personally use SaaS as that is what most ...
coteyr's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a Database Scale Up?

Of course you can scale databases. Also, with a strict interpretation of monolith and microservice there generally shouldnt be this kind of performance scaling advantage to microservices. A monolith ...
Ewan's user avatar
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3 votes

Notify Millions of subscribers at the same time(or with min. delay) in C++?

I know I should not ask for clarification, but it is hard to answer on this question having such high requirements. Having good hardware, it takes ~400ns to send one UDP message. 400 * 1mln = 400ms ...
Dmytro Ovdiienko's user avatar
3 votes

Notify Millions of subscribers at the same time(or with min. delay) in C++?

Warning: This may not be a practical answer to your problem (but then again, it may be). In an ideal world, you'd use multicasting for this job. The basic idea of multicasting is that routers (which, ...
Jerry Coffin's user avatar
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3 votes

Is a cluster of heterogeneous machines a cloud?

Yes, you could do something like with a Beowulf Cluster, but I wouldn't recommend it. Best practice today is to keep the computers as separate linux servers, install a scheduler like Apache Mesos or ...
John Scattergood's user avatar
3 votes

Experience in working on cloud?

There are a number of things that go into the term "cloud development". I'm focusing on AWS because it's the platform I know, but this should be generalizable. I include the AWS terminology to give ...
walpen's user avatar
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3 votes

Cloud computing platforms often default to one CPU. Does this mean I shouldn't use Parallel Programming?

Cloud computing deals with ridiculously parallel problems by default, like serving up resources from a URL. There are several ways to achieve parallelism, regardless of the number of cores you have. ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
3 votes

Virtualization vs Container

The question is no longer accurate. Today containerization as defined by the Open Container Initiative (which includes Docker) is a means of hosting complex applications as if they were individual ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
3 votes

How to keep state alive between deployments

The trick is to not keep any session state within the stuff you redeploy. Instead: keep state in a separate database that persists beyond a deployment, or keep state purely client-side. Where a web ...
amon's user avatar
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2 votes

Multitenant app or separate instance for every customer

I've seen 2 developments happen in every application that I've worked on that was multi-customer but single tenant: A feature is only required for one specific customer who wants to pay for it. Even ...
jdog's user avatar
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2 votes

Multitenant app or separate instance for every customer

The choice is not clear at all, and you could easily do a hybrid approach. For example, Atlassian allows to use their tools (Jira, Bitbucket etc) on their server, but also let you install on your own ...
Eiko's user avatar
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What's the difference between block-level virtualization and file-level virtualization?

You have it basically correct. File level virtualization is basically just a server that supports file sharing. It'll typically attempt to support a number of different protocols, such as SMB (aka ...
Jerry Coffin's user avatar
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2 votes

Server architecture for short bursts of ~150 parallel CPU-heavy subqueries

I would design my interface and task master under two assumptions: Processing power is distributed I don't always have enough processing power available If the jobs are inherently long, and the ...
svidgen's user avatar
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2 votes

Using only cloud database and authentication service in the cloud as backend for a mobile app - sufficient?

As a quick proof of concept, that's a decent way to get started. What do you lose? Control of design, API, and authorization (i.e. controlling who can do what) Consolidation of some of the queries ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
2 votes

Cost of Cloud Vendor Lock-In

It depends on the importance of the software using the services. In this sense it is not any different from any other type of technology "lock-in" (not necessarily vendor specific). If the software is ...
Frank Hileman's user avatar
2 votes

Serverless event-sourced architecture using AWS offerings

I don't think you are going to find any authoritative answers to this, although there are a fair number of articles about. You should probably anticipate (in the first pass, anyway) that any mutable ...
VoiceOfUnreason's user avatar
2 votes

De-duplication procedure

As mentioned, only someone from Dropbox could clearly answer your questions in a 100% accurate way, but the overall concept is pretty easy to understand. First of all: "data de-duplication" ...
Mario's user avatar
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2 votes

How to check for ID uniqueness on large dataset that can't fit into memory or on a single disk

This smells of homework or an interview question, especially the "10 GB of disk space" part. But here goes: Generate your IDs using a cryptographically-strong random number generator. Use your 10GB ...
guest's user avatar
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2 votes

Is a cloud / lambda function a microservice?

Yes - a cloud/lambda function is a microservice. Independently deployable see Independently deployable to describe a ...
Kind Contributor's user avatar

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