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What are the requirements to create an commercialized extension for a product?

A lot of successful software has an interface with which other programmers can interact. This type of interface is called API - Application Programming Interface. Whether one piece of software, say ...
Christian Hujer's user avatar
2 votes

What Software Delivery Guidelines are appropriate when outsourcing?

I am not aware of any such standards. Ultimately, a subcontractor should deliver whatever they are contracted to deliver. If you want documentation, it should say so in the contract. The same goes ...
Simon B's user avatar
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How can the consumer write a test of the provider without any knowledge of the implementation?

To verify the contract, you first have to know what the contract is. From what you described in the question, the contract is "we send this message". If you have no knowledge or expectations of what B ...
Sebastian Redl's user avatar
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What are the alternatives to fixed-price or time-and-materials contracts for software development?

Cost-plus contracts or indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contracts are suited to software development efforts. Cost-plus contracts can be useful. There are a few variants that include a ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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What Software Delivery Guidelines are appropriate when outsourcing?

To my knowledge, there is no standard for this, though you should most certainly support a baseline for software for the needs of your company. A good idea would be to establish a basic project ...
Neil's user avatar
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Concept to validate objects across languages?

Integration Testing You succinctly describe the root issue here, namely lack of integration testing. Both sides complete unit tests but they fail hard during integration. The team building the ...
Dan Wilson's user avatar
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Concept to validate objects across languages?

The phrase I've come across for this is single source of truth: In information systems design and theory, single source of truth (SSOT) is the practice of structuring information models and ...

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