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8 votes

GIT: Why use master (or any branch) as to reflect what's in production

Using the master branch as the canonical source for code in production makes it easier for developers to clone the repository and immediately have production code in front of them. It's as simple as: ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
7 votes

Best approach for managing program customizations inside DVCS

We have to distinguish two kinds of versions: VCS like Git store the development history of the software. These versions have nothing to do with different editions or variants of the software. ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes

Do DVCSes discourage continuous integration?

This old question just got marked as a duplicate of a new one, and since a lot of the answers reference some outdated ideas, I thought I'd post an updated one. One thing that apparently wasn't very ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
4 votes

GIT: Why use master (or any branch) as to reflect what's in production

Well, how else do you know what’s in prod? Download the live copy and recursive diff? Guess? Etc.? In other words, it provides a useful comparison point and a useful assumption about whats live (...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
4 votes

Why do so many projects prefer "git rebase" over "git merge"?

Three things haven't been said in any of the answers: Diffing inside a branch: Diffing between an arbitrary pair of commits in a branch becomes extremely difficult when there are merge commits. ...
Catskul's user avatar
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2 votes

What does it mean that DVCSs allow us to set up several types of workflows that aren’t possible in centralized systems, such as hierarchical models?

A hierarchical workflow goes like this. Suppose I suspect there's a bug in the Linux kernel that affects our product. I clone the kernel source code to a local directory and start experimenting with ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
1 vote

Proactive git branch conflict detection?

"Your work and your colleague's work are now currently conflicting, and here is the conflicting content". Notifications should be actionable. If they're not actionable, they start feeling ...
pjc50's user avatar
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1 vote

GIT: Why use master (or any branch) as to reflect what's in production

The only benefit is if you want a stable name for “latest release”. That’s it. You might just need to know what the latest version is. Maybe you don’t need a moving pointer named “master” or “...
Guildenstern's user avatar
1 vote

Process for archiving binaries from different repos using Git?

One important difference between SVN and Git is that in SVN, all files reside on a central server and only some revisions are checked out. In contrast, Git downloads the complete repository. While ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

Best practice to revive and update old branch?

You want (in common) merge default to feature (resolving a lot of possible merge-conflicts). Slightly different way: convert all changesets of feature branch into the set of MQ-patches create new ...
Lazy Badger's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do so many projects prefer "git rebase" over "git merge"?

An additional relevant point is this: With rebasing I can easily cherry pick or revert a feature in my release branch.
Bruno Schäpper's user avatar
1 vote

Is a code review which uses only code comments a good idea?

This should be a comment to Arseni's answer... But I don't have enough credit to comment. I am familiar with this approach and I believe it's superior to reviews that rely on external collaboration ...
user14980174's user avatar

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