What is the purpose of storing multiple lower resolution versions of the same original image?
Image scaling isn't necessarily free
Modern processors are fast, but they're not magic, and everything that needs calculating on the fly uses up resources that could be better spent elsewhere. ...
What is the purpose of storing multiple lower resolution versions of the same original image?
It's often so that you can display differently sized versions of an icon without having to go through the process of scaling down to smaller sizes.
The smaller versions may have been tweaked to make ...
What is the purpose of storing multiple lower resolution versions of the same original image?
For images over many magnitudes of scale, programs will store multiple resolutions in an efficient format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_(image_processing)
One use case: for high resolution ...
In a web application, should "private" user images be protected with authentication/authorization?
I've come back to this question a number of times. To be honest, my expectation as a user is if I mark it private, then I wouldn't expect a direct link to work. But I'm a technologist. I have a ...
Store and Tag Millions of Images
The question is one of scale, where it will be hosted, cost and management. If you know you are going to host in AWS, then you can take advantage of the distributed nature that makes the cloud more ...
What is a good approach to handle editing product images?
Keep it RESTy. Have the client indicate the desired state, and let the server figure out how to achieve that state. So I would suggest that you stick with approach #1, which would be the desired array ...
Optimal method of storing image thumbnails
Having multiple different resolution images is a very good idea. Perhaps 2, perhaps more, in your use case probably those 2.
The problem with downscaling on the fly is that you have to:
Wait for ...
What is the purpose of storing multiple lower resolution versions of the same original image?
One big reason is even in the current version of Windows, program icons are bitmap files. Vector images - like SVG - aren't supported by the OS yet. The official design guide says:
Because app icon ...
Architecture for downloading large number of large images
If the requirement is really to download a huge number of images and no just scroll through them, then the ZIP solution would probably work well. I've recently had the need to download a huge number ...
How do I check programmatically if two photos show the same drawing?
This is commonly called image registration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_registration). You might also look through OpenCV (https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/db/d61/group__reg.html) for an actual ...
Store and Tag Millions of Images
Storing the files should be the least painful option. However if you need the scalability you need to put it on a distributed file system such as GFS or HDFS. When you are storing them you can ...
Project icons / images organization
For web applications, consider a third approach:
Keep the SVG images in one place. Those images won't change from project to project.
Apply color changes to SVG images within a specific site through ...
Dynamic web application hitting database on front page load to fetch profile image
The industry best practice is to never store images (and other big blobs) in database directly. And only store "references" to those images. The reason for that is that such images overload ...
Architecture for downloading large number of large images
If the images are already stored in a GCS bucket, you should leverage the fact that cloud storage solutions are already very good at exactly what you want to do, which is transfer large amounts of ...
Optimal method of storing image thumbnails
The biggest issue you will run into is bandwidth. Quite simply larger images require more bytes than smaller images. Having a down-scaled image for your listing helps save that bandwidth until a ...
How to Detect Sprites in a SpriteSheet?
I implemented a very decent and fast sprite detection algorithm but different to above and... superior in speed and accuracy (10 seconds on I7 vs ~ instant on a bitmap 2048 * 2048).
because of the ...
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