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16 votes

When does the team discuss requirements when using Kanban?

You're right that Kanban doesn't have the concept of Sprints or Sprint Planning like Scrum does. That's because it's a leaner methodology. More things are done just-in-time. It's up to you to decide ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
8 votes

How should I translate a requirements document into user stories?

But my team is working using agile methods (a combination of scrum and kanban), so what we need is user stories. This is a misconception. Neither Scrum nor Kanban require that requirements be ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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8 votes

Teams do relative estimations, business wants absolute estimations. How to make everyone satisfied?

I'm curious why you bother to do estimations at all if you don't have a way to eventually boil it down to approximate actual time. The only reason I can think of is to be able to say "that's too big" ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
7 votes

When agile versions span multiple sprints

At the end of an iteration, it's not required to release a software product. Scrum calls this an Increment, and other methodologies may have different names. The purpose is the same - at the end of ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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7 votes

Definition of "Current Task Estimate"

Where did you get this definition from? I'm reading this definition from the chapter "Estimate your work", which doesn't include done work.
jessehouwing's user avatar
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7 votes

Teams do relative estimations, business wants absolute estimations. How to make everyone satisfied?

The ultimate goal with any estimation approach is to be able to translate the estimates into 'real' terms. Otherwise, what would be the point? What use do t-shirt size estimates have if you can't ...
JimmyJames's user avatar
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6 votes

Kanban board - How to handle defects found in testing phase?

The ticket should be in the column it belongs in, which sounds pretty stupid to say and is exactly why I'm mentioning it. The ticket was being developed, then handed off to QA who found some defects. ...
Jessie's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it time for our development organization to let go of Scrum?

No. Scrum is designed to fight exactly the issues you are experiencing. You could switch to a reactive approach fixing bugs as they are reported as quickly as possible, but this comes at the cost of ...
Ewan's user avatar
  • 79.8k
6 votes

Agile Waterfall integration and delayed deployment

One solution is to adopt the "LTS" (Long Term Support) model used by Linux and browser vendors. At the end of a sprint, if you have a version fit for release, you create a release. Give it a version ...
David Arno's user avatar
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5 votes

When does the team discuss requirements when using Kanban?

You are slightly misrepresenting/misunderstanding what the Sprint Planning meeting does in Scrum which I think is the cause of your confusion. A Sprint Planning meeting is usually the wrong place to ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
5 votes

Agile Waterfall integration and delayed deployment

Rather than feature branches, I'd recommend using feature flags. Essentially, these are just conditionals in your code that determine whether a particular portion of the code gets run or not. You ...
Chris Pratt's user avatar
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5 votes

As a developer, how should I work differently in kanban vs scrum?

The two approaches are very compatible. In fact, it is completely possible to use both. That said, as you adopt Scrum, there will probably be two significant differences. 1) Scrum is very team ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes

If my value stream has dev followed by test, how do I model a developer who writes tests first?

Don't have a separate column. I know it's an example used everywhere but it's more geared at highlighting waste between steps, the TDD cycle is pretty tight. I'd recoummend Development column with ...
danswain's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it time for our development organization to let go of Scrum?

I am not sure you have quite precisely put your finger on exactly what the problem is, especially due to having taken on the new large customer. Are you starting to miss sprint goals/ deadlines? Are ...
Mahesh Singh's user avatar
4 votes

Using Kanban or Scrum across 2 companies

Scrum and Kanban aside, the fundamental problem you are facing isn't unique to your situation. It's quite common when there's a hand-off between the development organization and another organization. ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
3 votes

How should I translate a requirements document into user stories?

There's no shortcut. What you have is great if formally verifying that system requirements is a requirement of the project. If formally verifying system requirements is not a requirement then you can ...
Dunk's user avatar
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3 votes

How to deal with roundtrips in Kanban

Two things stand out to me. In the long-term, the Lean-Agile methods are centered around building quality into the process from the beginning (and at every stage) and Kanban is centered around ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there any challenges with self-selecting/volunteering/signing up for agile tickets/tasks?

The retrospective system is relatively efficient at sorting any challenges out. People tend to specialize a little on topics you are better at or more interested in, and sometimes you still end up ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
3 votes

Are there any challenges with self-selecting/volunteering/signing up for agile tickets/tasks?

Since you are asking for experiences, mine is that it has never been an issue. I've worked on half a dozen different scrum teams over the past decade and in the each case there were simply never any ...
Bryan Oakley's user avatar
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3 votes

How to organize work for a team delivering 3 connected but distinct products and stay agile

Adding additional Scrum teams is a function of the number of development team positions you have, not the products you're working on. A development team should be no more than nine people, so if you ...
Chris Pratt's user avatar
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3 votes

How to organize work for a team delivering 3 connected but distinct products and stay agile

Option 2 with a dedicated product owner for each of the projects. Each product owner must agree during Sprint Planning that the sprint will capture enough deliverables for their project. Leverage in ...
RLMiller's user avatar
3 votes

When does the team discuss requirements when using Kanban?

I am editing my answer based on the feedback I received to further help understand how and when should you be work on the Requirements and Sprint Planning stage of your Sprint; as also on applying the ...
Mahesh Singh's user avatar
3 votes

As a developer, how should I work differently in kanban vs scrum?

I pick up the highest priority piece of work for which I'm suited and I complete it to a good standard, as soon as I can without overworking myself. This sounds like a very lonesome job. Where's ...
Christophe's user avatar
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3 votes

How to deal with story-cards on a simple issue-board in Jira

Don't have a separate card for the story. Mark all the cards in the same story with a sticker/colour or swim-lane
Ewan's user avatar
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2 votes

When does the team discuss requirements when using Kanban?

To specifically hone in on your questions ... what point (In kanban) do the techies and the business folk sit down together to discuss the requirement for the story? Doesnt the Product Manager ...
Dave White's user avatar
2 votes

Agile Waterfall integration and delayed deployment

I'm sure this answer will have its detractors but whatever. The answer to your question is that it's not possible for both sides to get what they want as described. So you have a couple of choices. ...
RibaldEddie's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it time for our development organization to let go of Scrum?

There are a few things in your question which make me think that this is more than a process problem. There are already some great answers about work item management. I agree that measuring Lead/...
Liath's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I translate a requirements document into user stories?

I apologize for being a little bit "scrum pedantic" but am I the only one surprised that no Product Owner is mentioned ? It's the meaning of @Thomas_Owens's answer: You can transform the ...
Keufran's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

How can I distinguish between the two interpretations of a bulge in a cumulative flow diagram?

You should probably be tracking your blockers separately from your flow diagram. The flow diagram will only highlight a large group of blockers well after they've become a problem. So, my first answer ...
John_C's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it a fallacy to use Little's Law to prove that you need WIP limits in Kanban?

Littles law claims that reducing your WIP will reduce your cycle time. It doesn't claim that reducing the cycle time for individual tasks will reduce the overall time to complete a project. There's ...
John_C's user avatar
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