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324 votes

Am I too 'clever' to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS?

In your code, you have made multiple changes: destructuring assignment to access fields in the pages is a good change. extracting the parseFoo() functions etc. is a possibly good change. introducing ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
227 votes

Am I too 'clever' to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS?

If you are in doubt, it probably is too clever! The second example introduces accidental complexity with expressions like foo ? parseFoo(foo) : x => x, and overall the code is more complex which ...
JacquesB's user avatar
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23 votes

Am I too 'clever' to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS?

This answer of mine comes a bit late, but I still want to chime in. Just because you're using the latest ES6 techniques or using the most popular programming paradigm doesn't necessarily mean that ...
b0nyb0y's user avatar
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10 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

I feel your pain, have been there. IMHO these kind of problems are caused by the fact you have a team of 8 persons, which is already too big to let you always come to the best strategic decisions. In ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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8 votes

Etiquette / Leadership / Sharing Best Practices - How much should I try to influence?

The main approach I use is to lead by example and pick your battles. Large projects are almost never in great shape, because of the mix of talent, and because practices and code bases evolve. There's ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
8 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

Forward compatibility is a legitimate concern If one of the seven developers who outvoted you is the architect, it is his right to introduce NFRs as needed, and one of those NFRs could be "forward ...
John Wu's user avatar
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7 votes

How should I weigh the cost of rapidly testing for customer signal versus proper upfront design?

There's obviously a sliding scale in these things, but my number one advice for you is to stop using emotionally loaded terms like 'proper planning' or 'fast vs slow'. Just be clear on the technical ...
Ewan's user avatar
  • 78.5k
6 votes

Am I too 'clever' to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS?

The second snippet is not more testable than the first. It would be reasonably straightforward to set up all the needed tests for either one of the two snippets. The real difference between the ...
Dawood ibn Kareem's user avatar
5 votes

Etiquette / Leadership / Sharing Best Practices - How much should I try to influence?

If your organization is following the values and principles of Agile Software Development, then there should be regular reflection on how the team is working and the opportunity to improve. This is ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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5 votes

How should I weigh the cost of rapidly testing for customer signal versus proper upfront design?

We are ... responsible for testing a bunch of new ideas. Then you need to focus on the Minimum Viable Product. Fundamentally, I agree with B: getting early feedback and iterating is going to give you ...
jonrsharpe's user avatar
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3 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

It sounds like your development team is trying to facilitate the product team by creating a framework that allows them to do quick trials, which is apparently what the product team would really love ...
Martin Maat's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

Am I too 'clever' to be readable by Jr. devs? Too much functional programming in my JS?

TD;DR Can you explain your code to the Junior Developer in 10 minutes or less? Two months from now, can you understand your code? Detailed Analysis Clarity and Readability The original code is ...
user949300's user avatar
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2 votes

What does this mean? "Up-and-In evades the problem by [see body]; it fails completely if consensus is not impossible"

I'm sure that this is just a typo. It should read it fails completely if consensus is not possible instead. Consensus being impossible is hardly a good thing for a project. Having worked as an ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 289
2 votes

How should I weigh the cost of rapidly testing for customer signal versus proper upfront design?

As a big proponent of upfront Architecture and Design, I have to reluctantly agree that Engineer B is correct in this specific scenario. Your team sounds as if its primary responsibility is to not ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
  • 26.5k
2 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

The trouble with YAGNI AND KISS is that they are completely subjective and vague. json?? YAGNI! just send a csv string! objects?? KISSTUPID!!! just use gotos!! The 'Team Leader' role isn't well ...
Ewan's user avatar
  • 78.5k
2 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

It think there is a little confusion about YAGNI. Developers often think they follow YAGNI when they omit abstractions that will keep the system "closed for modification and open for extension". ...
oopexpert's user avatar
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2 votes

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

Well, my opinion is democracy isn't working properly - neither in political system, nor in a team where most programmers are junior or mediocre. Your word, as a team leader, and one of most ...
BЈовић's user avatar
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1 vote

Etiquette / Leadership / Sharing Best Practices - How much should I try to influence?

I hop in, as I have experience with many projects and company cultures. And you are on thin ice. First you are in a non-scrum environment, the tag agile is so overused, and there are so many ...
Joop Eggen's user avatar
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1 vote

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

My first thought about this is...Why is the team concerned about changes? Do they have some historic understanding of the Product Owner that makes them feel like they need to build the first solution ...
Curtis Reed's user avatar
1 vote

Scrum team not following the YAGNI principle

Everybody in the team must agree on the definition of done. Without this, you're prone to massive amounts of scope creep, points of view and bastardisation of the core requirements. Anything ...
Robbie Dee's user avatar
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