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9 votes

Is Machine Learning a part of Data Science?

Is Machine Learning a part of Data Science? No. Big Data vs Data Science Not the same. Birds and Bird Watching are also not the same. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) ...
candied_orange's user avatar
8 votes

What does it mean for an algorithm to converge?

What is convergence, in general The concept of convergence is a well defined mathematical term. It essentially means that "eventually" a sequence of elements get closer and closer to a single value. ...
ianmandarini's user avatar
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8 votes

Machine learning applied to code development

Fuzzing is a testing method where machine learning can & has been applied. Fuzzing is a method of testing in the realm of automated exploratory testing. It attempts to find defects in software by ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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8 votes

Distinction between AI, ML, Neural Networks, Deep learning and Data mining

You are correct about AI which includes ML which includes DL. NN can indeed be included in ML, be it inside or outside of the DL context. An example for the latter is when neuronal nets are used in ...
Christophe's user avatar
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6 votes

How to maintain well structured code and latency optimized code together?

I would not try to abuse a version control system like git for this. For complex optimization as described here, which can only be done manually, it is probably best to keep both versions of a ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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6 votes

GET vs POST when exposing machine learning model predictions using a REST API

if my prediction method requires some sort of data that will never be placed in the URL (like a json string), I can send it in the body of the GET request the same way I can with a POST request That ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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5 votes

Machine learning applied to code development

Yes. This area is hot right now. It's called "big code," and DARPA put $40 million into it: . Some impressive results have come ...
James Koppel's user avatar
5 votes

API for a statefull AI server

Here's a rough answer. "Good Design" for web apis is based around the assumption that you are running a web site. Web sites generally want to serve lots of users at the same time To serve ...
Ewan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to loosely couple chained algorithms

What you want is often referred to as the strategy pattern. You want to have a strategy for searching, that is easy to swap out. The easiest way to implement this is to accept the search strategy in ...
Julian Zucker's user avatar
4 votes

Machine learning applied to code development

Microsoft has been developing DeepCoder to use deep learning to predict a method body from a given input and outputs. That's the only example I know offhand. I can tell you that Meta-Genetic ...
RJB's user avatar
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Advanced Job Shop Scheduling Algorithm Question

I believe the body of knowledge you are looking for is "Mathematical Programming". In general you want to build a model to support decision making. To do this i would start with a "toy" model. This ...
somedude's user avatar
4 votes

How to physically test a machine learning model?

Model validation is an important part of any machine learning application. To validate your model, you have to split your available data into a training set and a validation set. You then train your ...
amon's user avatar
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4 votes

Is manually tagging content an ideal start for eventual machine learning?

You're building a training set. This is used to teach the AI what you want. The important thing is to be careful that the set doesn't contain false tells like a red and white checkered table cloth ...
candied_orange's user avatar
4 votes

How does machine learning learn?

There are many different types of machine learning. The one in your example is basically trying to draw straight lines between the a and b labelled points. The lines are equivalent to your word ...
Ewan's user avatar
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4 votes

Machine Learning in Real Time

I don't know how"they" do it, but I have applied ML to a real-time problem (spam mail detection based on data available in the SMTP dialog, i.e. before the actual message is transmitted.) One thing ...
Hans-Martin Mosner's user avatar
4 votes

Is it bad design to pass around a dictionary of arguments to all your functions?

The main problem I have with that choice is that it removes one of the benefits of the type system, which is the ability to give you validation at compile/design time, rather than at runtime. When all ...
Avner Shahar-Kashtan's user avatar
4 votes

GET vs POST when exposing machine learning model predictions using a REST API

Functionally yep, you can use get, post, put, or any other http verb you like. The internet won't like you though. POST implies a process on the other end that is always in flux as to its state. The ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
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4 votes

How to store queryable 10-100MB BLOBs?

You wrote What I need in addition though is a functionality for querying these BLOBs. but then in a comment something which should have been part of your question, because it makes an important ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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3 votes

Compare two arrays by the number of occurances

You could try an ad-hoc method such as summing the weight of all tags, but that is not a meaningful metric. A better approach would be to perform statistical inference to answer a question like “what ...
amon's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I check programmatically if two photos show the same drawing?

This is commonly called image registration ( You might also look through OpenCV ( for an actual ...
Robert Baron's user avatar
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3 votes

Large Scale Machine Learning vs Traditional HPC Hardware

It appears to me that the requirements are pretty similar, namely 'read a load of data, do a load of floating point transforms on the data, save some data, repeat I think that covers a lot of ...
Charles E. Grant's user avatar
3 votes

Balancing function call overhead and testability in a code that is a part of the deep learning model training loop

What is the correct approach to balance design and reliability vs performance? Your question makes very little sense. Performance requires a design that supports performance. Otherwise it merely ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I alter a system design to improve computational efficiency with AWS?

There's a couple key concepts in here that will limit your ability to scale: Monolithic design Combinatoric set of artifacts per user Serialized updates to database Of those, the first two are the ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
3 votes

Is Python's Django WebFramework good to design Expert System as a Web App?

A web app is an application accessible through the web. One possible way of doing a web app is to have a front end (that's the part that presents the application for use in a web browser, including ...
Hans-Martin Mosner's user avatar
3 votes

Machine Learning pipeline design patterns

As in any data processing or sequential operations, look for functional programming patterns as a cleaner alternative for design patterns. Design patterns wise: strategy pattern helps when you should ...
Clau St's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I check floating point values in a unit test?

If the result of the test is deterministic (and if it isn't, why not), then you should absolutely compare the actual value you received from your model to the expected output. Given that they are ...
mmathis's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the output of all kinds of machine learning models binary or can the end values be interpreted in other ways?

Is the output of all kinds of machine learning models binary or can the end values be interpreted in other ways? Certainly not ! Machine learning models are not limited to binary outputs; they can ...
Robert Long's user avatar
2 votes

How to trim emails for just the body, when using email as input to an external system?

It will not be easy to clean the junk in e-mails because software e-mail clients and humans does tag the e-mail parts in a convenient way, but to clean the messages I would start by: Responses can ...
Lucas's user avatar
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2 votes

What specific category / type of machine learning can be used to make better AI decisions in this board game?

Simply put, reinforcement learning studies just that: Reinforcement learning is an area of machine learning inspired by behaviorist psychology, concerned with how software agents ought to take ...
Sean Easter's user avatar

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