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163 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

A few useful techniques: Turn on -Wall and -Werror. It might seem counterintuitive when you're struggling with deciphering error messages to create even more error messages, but the warnings are ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
56 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Your friend does not need a glossary. A glossary will not help him. What he needs is better intuition about what to do when compiler errors occur. C compiler errors are not as intuitive as, say, C# ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
27 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

A relevant technique worth mentioning is using a second compiler. Clang has invested in better error messages, for instance, but any alternative way to phrase the error can be enlightening. This is ...
MSalters's user avatar
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13 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Someone made an attempt at a GCC error glossary on Wikibooks a while ago, but it looks like it never quite took off and hasn't been updated. The "Errors" section is much further along than the "...
nBurn's user avatar
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12 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

In addition to the above answers, note that most compilers don't have comprehensive error glossaries -- these would be a lot of work to maintain as the messages themselves often change, and there are ...
Dúthomhas's user avatar
8 votes

How to determine ROI on developer training?

When dealing with management everyone suggest framing the problem in the context of money, ROI, etc. And that has indeed the largest chances of success. But not in this case. The problem here is you ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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6 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

The C Standard uses a number of terms like "lvalue" and "object" in ways that are different from other programming languages, and compiler messages are often written in such terms. The use of ...
supercat's user avatar
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5 votes

Newly formed team who are unfamiliar with the platform and domain how to get them up to speed?

One advantage that I've found about junior developers is that (if you've recruited for aptitude) they tend to make up for lack of experience with eagerness. First things first, break up work ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
5 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

I'm surprised no one gave the obvious answer and, I suspect, the one most often used in practice: just don't read the error messages. The vast majority of the value of most error messages is simply ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
4 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Another technique would be for the friend to write his own glossary over time as he encounters different error messages. Often the best way to learn something is to teach it. Of course, by the time ...
Owen's user avatar
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4 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

So, how should a novice programmer approach the challenge of understanding compiler error messages? Specifically, with the combination of C and GCC? Tell your friend to do the following when ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2 votes

How to determine ROI on developer training?

Your real problem may be your management at least claims it is important, but you conclude that it isn't because they don't do anything. I think you need to take additional steps to make this happen (...
JeffO's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I measure the effectiveness of training for a new software testing tool?

Write down some performance targets before training starts. Assign a homework problem at the end of each (hopefully short) training session. Evaluate performance on each one, including elapsed man ...
J_H's user avatar
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Evolving thought process and design thinking

How would you implement a StringBuilder class from scratch? By thinking very seriously about why I have to implement StringBuilder from scratch. The proper reaction to that question is to ask "why?"...
candied_orange's user avatar

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