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48 votes

Why would patient management systems not assert limits for certain biometric data?

Is it possibly just the case that many of these systems were never intended for the mass selection of patient groups? This has absolutely nothing to do with it. Even if this software was only used in ...
Flater's user avatar
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28 votes

Why would patient management systems not assert limits for certain biometric data?

I have worked in this industry, and there are several popular patient management systems which simply accept whatever number the doctor enters for the patient records. In practice this means that if ...
Robyn's user avatar
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20 votes

Positional arguments vs options in a command-line interface

Your question is a false dichotomy. Most places I’ve seen use both. Position based parameters for required parameters, and options based parameters for optional parameters. Kinda makes sense, yeah?
Paul's user avatar
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14 votes

Why so many good open source programs have websites that are very poorly managed?

I was reading about gzip program and I found the official website of the gzip software. No, you didn't. You found the website that used to be the official website back when the original authors were ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
12 votes

Is it fine to trap users in a dialog until they enter valid values into components?

It's a fine goal to want your validation logic exist in only one place. It's not fine to take that as an excuse to give the user a lousy experience. You shouldn't "refuse the dialog to be closed&...
candied_orange's user avatar
12 votes

Why would patient management systems not assert limits for certain biometric data?

Certainly, something went wrong to allow this notification to go out, but it's not necessarily a lack of input validation. Strictly forbidding invalid input often sounds simple, but is actually an ...
IMSoP's user avatar
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9 votes

Why would patient management systems not assert limits for certain biometric data?

This might have been caused by too much input validation of the wrong sort. When a form doesn't let you enter information in the way you need, and the information is useful or important to your job, ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
8 votes

When to prefer print over logging?

Printing and logging serve different purposes. The purpose of logging tools is that they provide you with information after the fact about what a piece of software was doing. These tools are designed ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
6 votes

In a REST API, should you correct user input on server side?

I agree with not silently modifying the user input, it could cause for confusion and doesn't perfectly reflect the JSON data the end-user submitted. Although client-side user input verification can ...
Ezgi Kaya's user avatar
5 votes

Why so many good open source programs have websites that are very poorly managed?

Generally, an open source software project has a large(ish) number of contributors, so it can continue even if certain individuals stop contributing either temporarily or permanently. It is also ...
HorusKol's user avatar
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5 votes

email address as username, and email address field

If the requirements tell me to store what appears to be duplicate information, then I would store it as such in my object and/or database. However, unless the requirements also say that I must ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
5 votes

Design Pattern for asking users for clarification with one of multiple UI types

This problem is a good fit for the Strategy Pattern: several classes handling that. One that creates a GUI dialog, one that asks for the options on CLI and one that just answers from prerecorded ...
amon's user avatar
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5 votes

Vector graphics are smaller in file size and more scalable than raster, why vector graphics are not used more often in web and mobile app development?

Cameras don't draw. That is the by and large of it. Photo's are not drawn, and anything compositing a photo into it still has that not a drawing issue. Processing and Bandwidth aren't free A drawn ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes

When to prefer print over logging?

Each has it's own capabilities. Print lets you write: to a hard coded file path to stdout to stderr only what you say to write Logging lets you write to a user configured file path to a user ...
candied_orange's user avatar
4 votes

Python and JavaScript integration for offline use

A web site is sandboxed and cannot execute any external scripts – it is confined to the browser. But it can issue HTTP requests to a server. A server is not necessarily “a machine in some data center”,...
amon's user avatar
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4 votes

email address as username, and email address field

As written, your requirements seem clear: there is a separate field for a user name, and a separate field for the e-mail address. This being said, you may need to discuss the requirements with the ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
4 votes

In a REST API, should you correct user input on server side?

For me there is a clear winner. You should always ask yourself who is responsible for what?. For me, the Rest API (and any API) should be kept simple, never add behaviors outside what's expected ...
barclow's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Integrate Old UI in Microservice

To get to the answer for your question, you have to ask yourself what value you are going to create by completing the work incrementally. In agile, the idea isn't to do the work in slices just for fun,...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes

Approach to designing maintainable, yet informative, user notification messages

First of all, success and error/failure messages are not symmetric. Success should be signalled clearly but unobtrusively. Normally, removing the spinning cursor that indicates a running operation ...
Hans-Martin Mosner's user avatar
4 votes

How does controller work with view in MVC?

1) I suspect it is simply the style which is not as clear as it could: There is knowledge between the View and the expected Model being passed into it The view knows the model (in fact there is an ...
Christophe's user avatar
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4 votes

Design for hardware UIs

The way I would design such a system is by separating the button-handling logic from the application logic by generating (mostly) state-independent events from the button presses and only dealing with ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
3 votes

Positional arguments vs options in a command-line interface

The style is ultimately dictated by the complexity of the control that is needed. If you have but one option it is OK to use positional. If you have two it starts to get debatable what the most ...
Martin Maat's user avatar
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3 votes

What data structure could a word processor use to map the user's caret position/text selection to its internal representation of the document?

In computer graphics, there are a couple common spatial subdivision data structures that can quickly tell you whether a particular point in "world" space is inside, on, or near an object in ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
3 votes

What kinds of patterns are ideal for driving complex user interface workflows?

Our REST API responses contain the information needed to display the correct links or buttons, based on the state of the workflow activity at the moment the page is requested. Instead of hard-coding ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
3 votes

What are the advantages of dynamic configuration based form templates?

None in my view. The danger with the dynamically generated forms approach is that the meta-language for defining a form becomes just as complex as the language you would use to create a hand written ...
Ewan's user avatar
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3 votes

Prefixing a number with + on html inputs

That depends on: The purpose of the input field. What an User expect the page. (User Experience standpoint) Lets discuss an example: For an e-shop page does not make sense to deal with negative ...
linuxunil's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any risk to having row IDs visible to users? The advantage of natural keys is that they exist already, you don't need to introduce a new "unnatural" value to your data schema. However, the ...
Stop harming Monica's user avatar
3 votes

How to properly decouple the service layer from the user interface layer, if the service layer needs to interact with the user?

Well, what I usually do in situations like this (and my answer isn't specific to Python in this case), is to provide some mechanism within the user-interface layer that allows the user-client code to ...
Mike Robinson's user avatar
3 votes

In MVC, does the view component deliver a new view to the user directly or indirectly via the controller component?

MVC is a pattern, and works the same on desktop, mobile, websites, client, server - whatever implements the MVC pattern tends to follow the same general process (that's why it's a pattern). It just ...
jleach's user avatar
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