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17 votes

When is it acceptable to commit directly to main/master?

A central component of Trunk Based Development is reducing the number of long-lived branches. For some teams, this means committing directly to the trunk or main branch. Only with larger teams would ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
16 votes

How to maintain development,testing and production branches when the number of devs is around 50?

Your problems have existed for decades and people have realized that there isn't a good way to solve it without significantly altering their way of working. Thats where Trunk-based Development, ...
Euphoric's user avatar
  • 37.8k
13 votes

How to modify workflow to allow multiple features per release?

Answering your questions below: Would the above proposed workflow be considered a standard workflow? There isn't a strict "standard" workflow that everyone adheres to, but your workflow is ...
Jimmy Kurian's user avatar
10 votes

How do I keep two git projects in sync with each other?

but I want to separate out the library part into a separate repo, in preparation for eventually releasing it. Separating the library has a few implications. One of them is that others will use your ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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9 votes

Best practices when designing a workflow engine using timers?

You can design your control flow the other way around to avoid multiple timers. When you send an email, store any context you need for a response. E.g. write this context to a database or file. ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
9 votes

How to deal with getting stuck on solo projects

Theres no magic fix. Your only choice is to limit your exposure to these types of problem. This is obviously a general rule, but I think its especially true with solo projects. Where you really don't ...
Ewan's user avatar
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9 votes

How to maintain development,testing and production branches when the number of devs is around 50?

Excellent answer by Euphoric here, but let me add another (additional) option, which also means a significant change to your current way of working: try to break down your product into individual, ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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8 votes

One function to produce a couple or a function per item?

What you are asking for has not much to do with the particular problem of AST processing. The question you are asking is I have to design an API for a component, the API needs to provide different ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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6 votes

In a flow chart, is there a convention on directionality of true/false conditions from a decision?

Yes, there is such a convention, but it is not based on true or false. The "happy flow" will always be pointing down and any exceptional or side-tracked flow will be pointing left/right. E.g. if you ...
Menno Hölscher's user avatar
6 votes

How to modify workflow to allow multiple features per release?

There's no such thing as a "standard workflow". There are some models that are commonly used - look at gitflow, GitHub flow, GitLab flow, oneflow, three-flow, and trunk-based development for ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
6 votes

Can 1.0.1 be launched right after 1.1.0?

SemVer does not contain any rules in which chronological order one has to develop, publish or deploy different branches which are not part of the same sequence. When the end result is a major release ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
  • 214k
5 votes

Best practice for git commit messages for specific modules

When you type git commit, and your editor pops up it will have a bunch of commented lines like: # modified: foo/bar/ # modified: foo/bar/ I've come to prefer simply uncommenting these ...
Pavel Penev's user avatar
5 votes

Git workflow for flexible features

In the gitflow model this situation would be considered a hotfix, where the prescription is exactly the solution you proposed, assuming the merge doesn't pull in other changes from develop that aren't ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
5 votes

When developing for C++ in Visual Studio, is there a quick way of being able to test your code as an exe and DLL?

Is there a good method of developing a C++ program and quickly being able to switch between compiling it as a DLL and exe? A better strategy will be: Keep the DLL as is. Create an EXE by linking ...
R Sahu's user avatar
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5 votes

How are first-time users signup requests authenticated?

Every web application has at least a few routes/endpoints that are accessible anonymously. If it isn't a sign-up page, it would be a home page telling prospective users what your application does and ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
5 votes

How to modify workflow to allow multiple features per release?

No, mainly because of : "4. Version bump in source code..." It's been said a million times; Version published apps, not source code. If you want to get the version into the source, then you ...
Ewan's user avatar
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5 votes

Where to tag releases to achieve "build-once, deploy-everywhere" using GitFlow?

I don't agree that tagging a merge commit means that you're building a different version of the code that was not tested. If you have commit x on your release branch and then merge that into your main ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
5 votes

Team Development Workflow

If you have multiple people working in parallel on related tasks, then those tasks should be integrated with each other as early and as often as practical. The aim of this integration is to find ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
4 votes

Should I put docker commands in my package.json?

If it's an entirely private Node module, and it works for you, then go ahead. However, I'd say the "correct" answer is No because if you published the module (even to a private corporate npm repo), ...
Dan1701's user avatar
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4 votes

How to convert multiple Git repositories for related code into proper branches/tags

Since these individual repositories were copied from the original, you can re-establish the relationship between the copies and the original. See this other answer for more details. Use git remote ...
BobDalgleish's user avatar
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4 votes

Parnas' Paper on Modularization and Workflow Engines

Why is the "new" (in 1971) approach better ? The second approach, which is the one that Parnas recommends, will ensure the principle of separation of concerns. In other words, identifying ...
Christophe's user avatar
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4 votes

Mercurial topology in three stage implementation

I can see the value of having multiple local working copies for various reasons, but I don't see what the point of the middle "tier" is if everything pictured is a true clone. Having multiple working ...
StayOnTarget's user avatar
4 votes

What's the correct Git flow to develop on two independent features + one feature that relies on both?

If feature C depends on features A and B in the sense that both should be implemented, verified and correct for C to work correctly, then the canonical way is to delay development of C until the ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
4 votes

If you're building an algorithm from the C stdlib in pure Assembly (with no help), what is the best workflow for debugging/iterating?

how did they debug this stuff Same as today. You divide the code into trusted and untrusted and pick apart the untrusted until you trust it. How did others in the past do this when the tooling ...
candied_orange's user avatar
4 votes

Is UML suitable for designing a warehouse workflow?

You seem to look for modelling a business process: The cartons that enter, then the flow of a box. Return, damaged good, cancellation at different stages, transfer from a stock to another. Each ...
Christophe's user avatar
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4 votes

Should the Jira assignee change for testing?

This depends on your workflow. Some teams that I've worked with do change the assignee from the developer to the tester when the work enters test. The fact that it doesn't look like a person has or ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
4 votes

Git Workflow for Code without any regression test

The problem is that the revert is painful. You somehow discovered a need to revert after the merge was committed to pre-production but before QA tested it. Sounds like someone tested it. That's fine. ...
candied_orange's user avatar
3 votes

Git flow with a UAT layer

Your problem goes a bit beyond the normal git workflows and can be handled in several ways. If the problem found during UAT is really small and can be fixed "while the customer is waiting", then you ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
3 votes

What kinds of patterns are ideal for driving complex user interface workflows?

Our REST API responses contain the information needed to display the correct links or buttons, based on the state of the workflow activity at the moment the page is requested. Instead of hard-coding ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
3 votes

Git flow with a UAT layer

I don't think there is a technical solution to this problem. I have had similar scenarios in the past and trying to solve this technically (by having separate branches) is cumbersome at best, and hell ...
Christian Seifert's user avatar

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