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Warbo's user avatar
Warbo's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

Should I use a global logging variable?

1 vote

What's the logic behind the design of exceptions?

2 votes

What's the name of the principle that a method should EITHER orchestrate OR do?

0 votes

Are immutable objects important only in multi-threaded applications and if so, how are shared immutable objects useful?

0 votes

How do I really write tests without mocking/stubbing?

0 votes

What is polymorphism if you can already have methods that are the same defined in different types?

1 vote

Should I pass in filenames to be opened, or open files?

1 vote

How do I know how reusable my methods should be?

11 votes

Programming cleanly when writing scientific code

2 votes

Why isn't encoding the names of arguments in function names more common?

3 votes

Why are unit tests failing seen as bad?

0 votes

Class that does not represent anything - is it correct?

3 votes

Prevent deprecated code from compiling after reaching a deadline

15 votes

Is using "new" in the constructor always bad?

1 vote

Should one test the values of an enum using unit tests?

2 votes

When do function call costs still matter in modern compilers?

18 votes

Are integration tests meant to repeat all unit tests?

2 votes

Why is Math.Sqrt() a static function?

2 votes

Haskell build and artifact environment similar to Maven

4 votes

Is there a Haskell idiom for trying several functions and stop as soon as one succeeds?

6 votes

How can I write unit tests that simplify feature implementation?

2 votes

TDD Red-Green-Refactor and if/how to test methods that become private

2 votes

What's the best way to avoid catastrophe caused by negligence?

-1 votes

What is the benefit of a function without parameters which only calls another function

7 votes

Should test data be checked into version control?

1 vote

Is there something like Creative Commons licenses for privacy policies?

4 votes

Is Testing a necessary part of Agile methodology?

-1 votes

Is there an excuse for short variable names?

-4 votes

Do else blocks increase code complexity?

2 votes

Is splitting up a function into several inner functions an anti-pattern?