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Aviv Cohn's user avatar
Aviv Cohn
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Israel
78 votes

What is decoupling and what development areas can it apply to?

43 votes

Should we avoid using design patterns in constantly changing projects?

13 votes

The Observer pattern using the pulling mechanism

10 votes

How to know whether to create a general system or to hack a solution

6 votes

Do else blocks increase code complexity?

6 votes

Design pattern for modifying state and notifying the other modifiers without a loop

6 votes

Is creating subclasses for specific instances a bad practice?

6 votes

Understanding basics of object declaration in Java

4 votes

observer class as instance

3 votes

Implementation of strategy design pattern

2 votes

Can someone help me understand MVC?

2 votes

Why encapsulate container variables?

2 votes

Is a finite state machine an appropriate solution for this situation?

1 vote

Why should I declare a class as an abstract class?

1 vote

What's the difference between an API and an SDK?

1 vote

Requesting feedback on my OO design

1 vote

Breaking a function into smaller ones is great... except for what about code-folding?

0 votes

Why does the instruction "do" require a "while"?

0 votes

When to use identity comparison instead of equals?

0 votes

Do we tell the object to do something or do we do something (on/with/to/etc.) the object?

0 votes

Is there a specific reason for the poor readability of regular expression syntax design?

0 votes

Coding to an interface vs more generic interfaces

0 votes

Scheduling/suspending embedded interpreters