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guillaume31's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
51 votes

Does it make sense to write tests for legacy code when there is no time for a complete refactoring?

41 votes

DDD: is it correct for a root aggregate to hold a reference to another root aggregate?

30 votes

In code reviews, should the reviewer always present a solution for issues?

30 votes

Where does this concept of "favor composition over inheritance" come from?

29 votes

DDD - Does an aggregate root's repository handle saving aggregates?

26 votes

DDD - Are 'use cases' and 'application services' different names for the same thing?

23 votes

From a TDD perspective, am I a bad person if I test against a live endpoint instead of a mock?

19 votes

Why is my class worse than the hierarchy of classes in the book (beginner OOP)?

18 votes

Scrum - how to carry over a partially complete User Story to the next Sprint without skewing the backlog

16 votes

How to apologize when you have broken the nightly build

14 votes

What do you do when code review is just too hard?

13 votes

Should unit tests only cover 'functional' software

12 votes

DDD - Aggregate root with large number of children

11 votes

Does anyone else feel Scrum isn't agile?

11 votes

Quality of Code in unit tests?

10 votes

Moving from mock to real objects?

10 votes

Does TDD really work for complex projects?

9 votes

In an Agile Environment, who is responsible for software architecture

9 votes

How to add new child entity to a repository in DDD?

8 votes

REST API design for web pages with wizards

8 votes

Review before or after code commit, which is better?

8 votes

General thought process for "How would you build this website/app" interview questions

7 votes

TDD - Outside In vs Inside Out

7 votes

Why are deadlines always so short?

7 votes

Implementing DDD: users and permissions

7 votes

Should all class public methods come from an interface?

7 votes

Pitfalls of Domain Driven Design with Entity Framework

6 votes

Unit tests tactics

6 votes

DDD: Saving changes from UI to domain object

6 votes

If Repository Pattern is overkill for modern ORMs (EF, nHibernate), what is a better abstraction?

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