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John MacIntyre's user avatar
John MacIntyre's user avatar
John MacIntyre
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
144 votes

When should I make the first commit to source control?

60 votes

Working for free?

40 votes

What are the warning signs of impending doom to watch out for on a project?

37 votes

How long do programmers generally stay in industry?

21 votes

Staying alert and awake while coding

19 votes

Should I use "Business logic" term when speaking about non-business application?

17 votes

What's the career path for a developer who doesn't like management?

8 votes

How to read thousands lines of code without any documentation?

8 votes

Learn programming backwards, or "so I failed the FizzBuzz test. Now what?"

7 votes

What mistakes do your users make, and how can you update your application to handle them?

6 votes

Is it ok to learn from C# 2002 materials?

5 votes

Company sends debug versions of software to clients

4 votes

How old is "too old"?

4 votes

Why are /// comment blocks important?

3 votes

What was Ruby used for before Rails?

3 votes

What to do with long variable names?

2 votes

Why do web sites require certain characters in their credentials?

2 votes

How do you keep track of complex business rules outside of code?

2 votes

What can I do to get better at estimating how long projects are going to take?

1 vote

Should companies require developers to credit code they didn't write?

1 vote

As a software engineer, who should I be following on Twitter?

1 vote

What is the proper way to create requirements documents?

1 vote

How can I convince a project manager that there is no way to solve all the compatibility issues?

0 votes

How to cure the "can not deliver"/ "cannot deliver on time syndrome"

0 votes

How do I deal with analysis paralysis?

0 votes

Real-time stock market application

0 votes

Motivating yourself to actually write the code after you've designed something

-1 votes

Why is (position < size) such a prevalent pattern in conditionals?