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Darien's user avatar
Darien's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
124 votes

What does the Spring framework do? Should I use it? Why or why not?

25 votes

How do you program effectively when it takes a long time to simply test your code?

19 votes

Is better Show() + Hide() or SetVisible(bool visible)?

17 votes

Is it bad practice to name a class with a facade suffix?

16 votes

What is "The Cloud"? What do I say when people ask if my web service is "on the cloud"?

16 votes

How to organize a one-man project?

10 votes

How do I deal with analysis paralysis?

8 votes

How to make clear that a method can be overridden?

6 votes

Database design, processor vs inconsistency

6 votes

Is it bad practice to use <?= tag in PHP?

5 votes

ERD: "many" vs "zero or many"/"one or many" crowfoot notation?

4 votes

What should I call this utility function? Is something like it commonly used?

4 votes

Phone Number based Login

4 votes

If an entity is composed, is it still a god object?

4 votes

OpenID and data espionage

3 votes

Should strategy objects have state?

3 votes

Two components offering the same functionality, required by different dependencies

2 votes

What are some really simple rules to keep a PHP codebase organized?

2 votes

I don't understand the Halting Problem

2 votes

Function locals: variable used in just one function

2 votes

How should I design the class for a database entity?

2 votes

How to debug weak references?

2 votes

Approach for comparing versions of hierarchy

2 votes

How can you separate a monolith into domain-driven libraries without duplicating interfaces and still keep dependencies simple?

2 votes

Transfer flattened entities instead of DTOs?

1 vote

Efficient Value-Lookup in List of k-Tuples

1 vote

Is it bad practice to simplify constructor dependencies using a simple container when the class represents the entry point for a sub system?

1 vote

Should a repository or the Login/Register service have an encryption service as a dependency?

1 vote

Do objects with validation logic in their domain really represent their real world counterparts?

1 vote

Organizing classes with many properties that need to be iterated through