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JohnFx's user avatar
JohnFx's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
168 votes

Stuff every programmer needs while working

145 votes

Should organizations penalize developers for the amount of defect reports filed against code they worked on?

126 votes

Is the phrase "never reinvent the wheel" suitable for students?

114 votes

What's the most absurd myth about programming issues?

97 votes

Worst coding standard you've ever had to follow?

95 votes

What's the most absurd myth about programming issues?

75 votes

Stuff every programmer needs while working

71 votes

What are the worst false economies in software development?

70 votes

What was your most difficult bug hunt and how did you find it and kill it?

69 votes

What is the (craziest, stupidest, silliest) thing a client/boss asked you to do?

61 votes

How do you know you're writing good code?

59 votes

How would you refactor nested IF Statements?

58 votes

Make a big deal out of == true?

49 votes

How do you share your craft with non programmers?

47 votes

How important is graceful degradation of JavaScript?

45 votes

When would someone be considered a bad programmer?

44 votes

What are the warning signs of impending doom to watch out for on a project?

40 votes

What is your favorite whiteboard interview problem?

39 votes

What should every programmer know about programming?

39 votes

Why isn't the line count in Visual Studio zero-based?

36 votes

What's the benefit of avoiding the use of a debugger?

36 votes

Which things instantly ring alarm bells when looking at code?

30 votes

How do you respond to "Tell me a little bit about yourself." question in interviews?

28 votes

Are testers considered low profile?

28 votes

Would you allow your programmers to use Messenger and social networks like Facebook?

27 votes

What's the most absurd myth about programming issues?

26 votes

How much documentation is enough?

24 votes

What's the most absurd myth about programming issues?

23 votes

Biggest mistake you've ever made

22 votes

What's the worst technology decision you have ever seen?

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