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jfrankcarr's user avatar
jfrankcarr's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
34 votes

Is it possible for a good programmer to have never used version control?

31 votes

Hiring Developers - any tips on being more efficient?

29 votes

Why is the use of abstractions (such as LINQ) so taboo?

27 votes

What is the relevance of resumes in the age of GitHub, Stack Exchange, Coursera, Udacity, blogs, etc.?

23 votes

Was classical BASIC ever used for commercial software development, and if so, how were limitations overcome?

15 votes

How do quick & dirty programmers know they got it right?

14 votes

Years experience over unfinished degree?

13 votes

Can I apply for "Software Engineer" jobs without being an engineer?

13 votes

What is the/Is there a right way to tell management that our code sucks?

12 votes

Why and for what reasons developers may not like "daily scrum"?

10 votes

Is it wrong or bad to use autocomplete?

9 votes

industry averages for time spent on maintenance

8 votes

Why was Tanenbaum wrong in the Tanenbaum-Torvalds debates?

7 votes

What is the best way to evaluate new programmers?

7 votes

How effective are "game programs" in interviews?

7 votes

How relevant are Brainbench scores when evaluating candidates?

6 votes

Does heavy JavaScript use adversely impact Googleability?

5 votes

Entry level engineer question regarding memory management

5 votes

is it a bad practice to call a View from another View in MVC?

5 votes

Software solution from the 2000's, should I attempt to patch or remake the whole thing?

5 votes

n-layers architecture design, really worth the effort?

5 votes

Definition of a Software bug. Blizzard Entertainment insists that my "bug" is not a bug at all. Are they right?

4 votes

How Do I interview Front-End Web Developers?

4 votes

Should I use title case in URLs?

4 votes

why do some job posts say "high pressure environment"?

4 votes

How to develop line-of-business tablet apps as a .NET developer?

4 votes

How to implement a system to hide spammed user content?

4 votes

What is the rationale behind entering email twice for registration?

3 votes

Who was the first software engineer?

3 votes

Library/Framework usage guidelines