LennyProgrammers's user avatar
LennyProgrammers's user avatar
LennyProgrammers's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
3 votes

Enumerators vs. returning

3 votes

Code cleanup methods and/or code coverage tools

3 votes

Is Java (still) the cross platform language of choice?

2 votes

What is proven as a good maximum length of a function?

2 votes

What guidelines do you suggest for using Objective-C Properties?

2 votes

Should you sacrifice code readability with how efficient code is?

2 votes

Can you be a manager and a programmer at the same time?

2 votes

Modular Architecture for Processing Pipeline

2 votes

How to release a mobile app successfully?

2 votes

Is what someone publishes on the Internet fair game when considering them for employment as a programmer?

2 votes

What is the general tech news website every programmer should read?

2 votes

Effective ways to make your OSS project popular?

2 votes

What mistakes do your users make, and how can you update your application to handle them?

2 votes

Are design patterns generally a force for good or bad?

2 votes

What are the arguments against or for putting application logic in the database layer?

1 vote

What constitutes a dead programming language?

1 vote

How do you deal with the anxiety of not knowing enough?

1 vote

What are the steps in beginning a large project, when all I have is a big idea?

1 vote

learn the programming language for computing functions about integers

1 vote

What non-programming books should a programmer read to help develop programming/thinking skills?

0 votes

What non-programming books should a programmer read to help develop programming/thinking skills?

0 votes

Consistency of an object

0 votes

Generic code or code easy to understand?

0 votes

Separation of Concern/Single Responsibilty Principle

0 votes

Would you make your website's source code public?

0 votes

How to understand Linux kernel source code for a beginner?

0 votes

Licensing issues with using code from samples coming with SDK

0 votes

How much time do you invest in exploring new technology?

0 votes

What are the Pros and Cons of the GPL?

0 votes

Do you have to be good at math to be a good programmer?