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inf3rno's user avatar
inf3rno's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Hungary
13 votes

What is the point of link rel="self" in a REST API?

6 votes

How is DRY principle ( applied at class level ) related to SRP?

6 votes

Dealing with browser cache in single-page apps

4 votes

What is the difference between writing test cases for BDD and TDD?

3 votes

Is jQuery an example of "god object" antipattern?

2 votes

Difference between REST and CRUD

2 votes

Naming a recursive association entity

2 votes

I get dependency injection, but can someone help me understand the need for an IoC container?

2 votes

RESTful composition/inclusion of other resources

1 vote

How can one manage thousands of IF...THEN...ELSE rules?

1 vote

URLs with variable query strings and cache

1 vote

Web-services REST security clarification

1 vote

Link relation values and REL attribute - edited

1 vote

What exactly are Link Relation Values?

1 vote

Access Token Verification

1 vote

How to translate SQL query into REST API requests?

1 vote

REST and RPC in multi-tier API

1 vote

Designing the bridge between REST layer to service layer

1 vote

Producing JSON objects from JPA entities in REST API

1 vote

Microservices: how far should coupling / decoupling of application parts relying on the same data backends go?

1 vote

Balance between aggregate boundaries and domain consistency in DDD

1 vote

What does HATEOAS offer for discoverability and decoupling besides ability to change your URL structure more or less freely?

1 vote

How to solve mailing and other delivery channels in DDD?

0 votes

Is it better to return NULL or empty values from functions/methods where the return value is not present?

0 votes

Do I need unit test if I already have integration test?

0 votes

DDD, Saga & Event-sourcing: Can a Compensate Action simply be a delete on the event store?

0 votes

Advice needed on rethrowing an exception

0 votes

What's the difference between using RDFS/OWL versus XML?

0 votes

Persistent RESTful state on client without cookies

0 votes

Falsy values vs null, undefined, or empty string